I'm back, and I bet you didn't even know I was gone!!
While you were giving me cupcake, poppy fabric, and hexagon feedback, I was on vacation. Mr. Cupcake and I chilled out in San Francisco California, relaxed in Sonoma California and then ate our way through Seattle, Washington.
A delightful 9 day vacation, the longest of our married life, and the first vacation in years that did not include a business stop for my husband or a visit with family. It was wonderful, something I hope we get to do more often.
We have had several reasons in the past for not leaving home for more than 3 or 4 nights, like my work schedule or my husband's work schedule, but the main reason we would stick around the house was because of our pets. We've had pets with medical issues, a dog who would get depressed and not eat when we were gone, a dog sitter who let our dog chew through a case of Gatorade, and carry the leaking bottles all over the house, leaving a rainbow of stains on my white carpet. It got to the point where my husband and I would only be gone for over a week, if the other spouse stayed home. Some of the nicest vacation destinations I've visited have been with my daughter, while my husband stayed home with the dogs.
Well we're over that, for now. Cooper stayed at the same place that he goes for doggy daycare and had no problems at all. I think he had a nice vacation too, plus he got to visit with his doggy daycare friends for a few extra days.
So we all had a great time, but are happy happy happy to be home,
especially Cooper. He's been right next to one of us ever since we picked him up. And we're so glad to see Cooper, we didn't have the heart to make him get off the living room couch, a normal no no, but oh well.
We had perfect weather the whole trip. San Francisco was a wonderful break from the summer heat and humidity of Illinois. I think in addition to hitting Southern California in February for a winter break, I need to start hitting San Francisco in July for a summer break, the chill in the air felt great.
I added to my Lifetime State list. I would love to visit all 50 states, with Alaska and Hawaii being at the top of that list. I'm not sure how many I've visited, something for me write down sometime, but I know this was my first visit to the state of Washington, it's a wonderful destination, I should have visited sooner. Anyhoo, more about my vacation on another post, now on to my first order of post vacation business,
selecting the winner for the Fons & Porter Watermelon and Shoofly quilt kit and pattern.
I received 72 Happy Birthday wishes and enjoyed reading each one as I was traveling. My birthday sort of got lost in the vacation hoopla, I've yet to figure out if that was a good thing or not! But I do know that reading all the birthday wishes was like getting 72 presents, stretched out over a week. Thanks so much.
The winner is the 55th person to leave a comment, Debby from NY. Debby you won!!
Debby, I don't know how you found my blog, but I'm so pleased you stopped by. Debby's blog, Quilty Pleasures, was a new one to me, she's had a quilting blog for over 4 years and does amazing long arm quilting. Check out the quilting she did on a Fig Tree project, it will make you swoon!! click here
The cupcake tips were amazing, and the way some of you described the cupcakes made my mouth water! I've got some great cupcake destinations in my future, but I also enjoyed the stories that some of you shared, wonderful cupcake memories from your childhood or memories that you are currently making with your families.
Thanks also for the invites for cupcakes at your house, wouldn't that be fun!! Don't think I won't come!!
It appears in addition to hitting cupcake stores (Sprinkles got the most mentions), and visiting cupcake baking bloggers, I need to become a cupcake baker! Thanks so much for the links and tips to get me started. Apparently, Ina Garten, aka The Barefoot Contessa, has an amazing coconut cupcake recipe, it was mentioned twice. Yum, I love coconut cake, so a good coconut cupcake should be wonderful.
I"ll be working on creating my Lifetime Cupcake list for my blog this week.
If I visit a store or bake a cupcake you suggested, I'll update my blog and send you a cupcake pin topper, like the ones above! So please continue to send cupcake stops and recipes my way.
I was able to hit two cupcake bakeries while on vacation, my first official cupcake review will be tomorrow for Kara's Cupcakes in San Francisco
In addition to unpacking, doing laundry, and going through the mail, I'll be getting caught up on my comments and your blogs this week.
Thanks for stopping by,