Warning, many many words ahead......
In the beginning........

all I wanted was a simple little basket quilt.....
So I sat down and whipped up a few baskets using a mixture of Fig Tree fabrics.

After I finished piecing the blocks, I decided to change it up a bit by adding setting triangles,

and loved the look so much I decided to make it king size
and add sashing .... this took me two weeks,
Sweet, that gave me the rest of the month to add a border. Then I'd have it all done and be ready for something new come July, like a Schnibbles or a watermelon quilt.
Then I came up with this idea.....

Right off I liked the looks of this border and started working on the 256 lattice blocks I would need to surround the baskets.
Between planning, going and recuperating from vacations, doing some charity work, watering the flowers, making homemade ice cream, becoming a cupcake food critic, walking Cooper, and a multitude of other summer activities, I would sew lattice blocks.
July came and went and I continued to sew lattice blocks. But I didn't feel like it was work, I enjoyed the fabric and the process and tried to be as productive as I could, whenever I could.

So this is where I am now, 3 sides down, one more to go. I'm hoping to wrap this up by the end of Labor Day Weekend, which is September, time will tell, and I'll try not to get all worked up about the arbitrary deadline. But I love the border and think it's well worth the time!!
As soon as I decided on the lattice border, and the block size, I knew that I would have around a 1 3/4 inch space between outer border and the basket blocks. I told myself not to worry about it, that it would all come together, but deep down, it bothered me. It bothered me on two levels, that one, perhaps I would spend all the time making the outer border but never come up with a containment border to suit me and two, why can't I figure things out before I start!!
If you've not read this post on Carrie Nelson's blog, The Process, give yourself a treat and do so. She talks about how she comes up with her pattern designs, and goes through the process, start to finish for one of her patterns. I found it fascinating because she does it all on paper first! How she sees the end result in her head, before she actually starts cutting and sewing fabric is amazing to me. I honestly think I'm going down one path when I start a project, but inevitably veer off track and end up with something totally different then what I thought I would have when I started.
So here I am, trying to decide on the perfect containment border, when if I had been able to "see" this quilt before I started, I would have just made the sashing wider!!
So here are a few ideas I tossed around....

and out...this was my worst idea, white tone on tone. I thought maybe I would leave this dilemma up to the quilter to remedy, thus the plain white, but oh my, I don't think the most experienced quilter could make that look good!

How about a little stripe? Just Ok...and not nearly good enough.

Dark brown....kind of like a chocolate covered strawberry to go with the pie.....I'm lukewarm on this one.

Here's some floral from Breakfast at Tiffany's, I like it Ok, but think I can do better.
So after looking at those 4 ideas, I played around some more....

and noticed the border looks great next to the blocks, no containment border needed, except for the space I need to fill!!
Then I got to thinking, what if I expanded the basket blocks to fit the border? I could separate the 36 blocks into 4 distinct areas of 9 blocks (3 x 3) by adding another row of sashsing and some kind of border down the center! But what ???? It would need to be around 3 inches to push the baskets out correctly. Scrappy piano keys, strips of some fabric maybe? I'm not sure, and probably won't be sure until I unsew those blocks down the middle, add sashing, then start playing.....which I hate to do.....what if I don't like that either!!
So what do you think, go with one of the containment borders from above or push the baskets out to the edge of the lattice blocks with something.....and what should that something be?
Or maybe you have an entirely different idea....a better idea??
Oh how I hope you can HELP!!
One more thing..should I add one more block to the outside of the lattice border to make it just a little bit wider?? As is, the quilt would finish at 108" x 108", add another row of blocks would make it 114" X 114".
Thanks for stopping by!