It's unanimous, the owl is a hit! Hallowe'en 1904 is done, and I'll blog about it on, when else, Hallowe'en 2012. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my sew along buddy Nicole gets hers done by then too. You can do it Nicole, I just know it! If you've not followed Nicole's posts and mine while we've been working on Hallowe'en 1904 by Blackbird Designs, go get caught up.
click here
My 500th post, who guessed I had so much to say. For weeks I've been pondering what this post should be about, a list of my top 10 favorite posts, my top ten favorite quilts, then I came up with this idea, for my 500th post I thought I would answer the question I get asked most often, "Thelma, where do you store all your quilts!" I don't know why I get that question, but it pretty much comes up with every quilt I finish, so today, you will find out where I store all my quilts.
I enjoy decorating with my quilts and it's not work but fun every month or every change of season when I put some up and get different ones out. Each quilt is special and usually brings out fond memories of when I made it, or where I got the fabric, or something.
I'm getting close to 100 quilts, but I don't have all those quilts, about half of them live other places, but here's what I do with the quilts that do live at my house.
This is my daughter's bedroom. I love how this quilt looks with her white wicker furniture. (My daughter hasn't lived with us in over 13 years, when do you suppose I'll call this room something else?)
This is Lifetime Quilt Number 24. (the thing I remember about this quilt, I made that center twice, to this day I'm so happy I spent a week of my life making a better center for that quilt!)
Underneath that quilt I store my Red and White Tribute Quilt and Bounce.
I don't want to fold these quilts yet so they're staying on my daughter's bed. She only makes it home a couple times of year so they're not disturbed very often. (Lifetime Quilts Number 73 and 84)
I store smaller or seasonal quilts in the closet in my daughter's bedroom on hangers. It makes it easy to get to them when I'm wanting a decorating change somewhere in house.
From left to right, Lifetime Quilt Number 3, 74, 4, 69, 51, and 42. This closet is normally fuller, I have several fall quilts out right now.
I always keep a quilt on the back of my couch in the family room, right now it's Lifetime Quilt Number 5. The quilt rack holds 4 quilts but right now just has 3 fall quilts on it. From top to bottom, Lifetime Quilt Number 18, 35, and 56.
On this couch my husband keeps his quilt, Lifetime Quilt Number 19.
I really need to make him a new one, one that better matches decor, and not a baseball team.
This is my storage room, here I keep my kingsize and holiday quilts when they aren't on my bed.
From the top to bottom, Lifetime Quilt Number 39, 65, 54, 28 and 13.
These are the bags I use.
They're made of heavy plastic, zip close, and have an inch space around the top made with a nylon web to allow air to flow. I buy mine at
Amazon, the ones in the storage shelves are the XXL size.
I always have a quilt on my bed. I usually change it monthly.
This is Lifetime Quilt Number 25.
This quilt is also in our bedroom.
Lifetime Quilt Number 43.
Right now I have 3 quilts in the living room. I always have at least two, the one hanging on the wall, which I also change every month or so, is Lifetime Quilt Number 63. Lifetime Quilt Number 67 is always folded and stored in the coffee table, and right now I have Lifetime Quilt Number 50 hanging over the bannister for fall.
This room gets a lot of sun so I change the quilts and refold the quilt in the coffee table often, so none of the quilts get damaged from the sun.
This quilt rack is in the sunroom. These racks were made by someone in this general area, I have no idea who.
From top to bottom is Lifetime Quilt Number 80, 87, 57, and 20.
I also currently have Lifetime Quilt Number 11 and 70 on the red couches,
and number 61 in the tv stand.
And finally, Cooper's quilt is always on the floor, that's his place, meaning when I say, "Cooper go place", he runs to his quilt and sits.
This room is nothing but windows so I'm swapping out these quilts and refolding them every month also. I should call this room the quilt room, 8 quilts in one room, I think I've reached my limit. This room has really high ceilings and an exposed beam, a quilt hanging from the rafters would be cool, hmmmm, something to think about, maybe 9 quilts would be ok.
I have two quilts in my sewing room, Lifetime Quilt Number 38 behind my design wall and 92 hanging on the wall. (I bet you didn't know that quilt was behind that gray fleece!)
In the guest room you see two quilts, Lifetime Quilt Number 82 on the wall and 68 on the bed.
Underneath the bed quilt I store 9 quilts, quilts that will be hanging from a rod so I don't want them folded.
From top to bottom, Lifetime Quilt Number 60, 1, 81, 66, 30, 64, 53, and 79. No one has ever slept in this bed, but if company would happen to show up I could just fold and stack them in another room for a day or two.
Believe it not, I have some rooms with no quilts, but at the rate I'm going, I'm guessing they may have some soon.
So that's a total of 45 quilts. I have one in the mail, on the way home from the Machine Quilters Expo, 4 at quilters, and 4 waiting to be quilted for a total of 54 quilts. All accounted for, yeah! I would hate to lose a quilt!!
So now you know where I store all my quilts, for the most part they are out and being enjoyed.
I can't believe I've reached this milestone, I started this blog to talk to quilters, since no one in my family quilts and there are just a few quilters in my area, I was looking to find someone to talk quilts with, I'm so happy I found plenty of wonderful someones. I've become a better, more creative, and happier quilter since I started my blog. Thanks for helping me along the way.
One thing I did notice when I was going over some of my old posts, I'm always talking about my feelings regarding my projects. There are 8 basic emotions, fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, trust, anticipation and surprise. I cover them all on a regular basis, sometimes all on one project. Have you ever noticed that,I just can't say, "here's a block", it's more like "here's a block that I'm afraid doesn't look right and I'm sorry I've spent so much time worrying about it but I trust some different fabric will result in a wonderful surprise that I will love". Somedays I don't know how you stand it, thanks for hanging in there through all my quilt drama, real and imaginary.
What's a blog without comments, my favorite part of blogging and the way I communicate with fellow quilters, any time I want! I've had comments that made me laugh and some that were so sweet and thoughtful I nearly cried. I also enjoy the emails I get.
Sometimes you learn more from the comments other folks leave than from reading my blog. I also like how some folks are able to tell me why I don't like something, sometimes I can't find the words, but there's usually someone who can.
Here are a few funny comments that made me laugh out loud.
Regarding the
post where Cooper was wearing his Colt's football helmet, Dianne said, "has that dog forgiven you yet for making him wear that helmet"
Nicole had this to say about my Snowman Wool project, "Your snow people look like voo doo dolls with all those pins"
And regarding my yoyo production, or lack there of, "Thelma, you're going to have a busy weekend making the 1,450 yoyo's you need to meet my goal".
Creativity doesn't stop with quilts with you folks. Thank you for that.
I think a 500th post giveaway is in order, don't you? Since I've been blogging 3 years I thought I would giveaway 3 layer cakes, to 3 different quilters, because what's a celebration without cake? Your choice, if you can find an online store that will deliver to your address you're eligible. Just leave a comment on this blog, you have until end of day Sunday, October 28th. If you can't leave a comment just send an email.
I love comments that make me laugh and I also like getting to know you better, so in your comment reveal your guilty pleasure, a TV show, food, song, activity, whatever, it doesn't matter, just fess up, we won't tell a soul! My guilty pleasures both occur on Friday night, my People magazine is delivered on Friday and I love to watch those "Say Yes to the Dress" bridal shows on TLC. That's how I spend my Friday nights, "reading" my magazine, yes I know, there's not much reading in People magazine, and watching TV. With the magazine I like to drool over all the lovely gowns the stars are wearing and catch up on the latest Hollywood gossip like they are family. I'm always hoping for a Kate Middleton or Daniel Craig picture, a perfect issue has both. While flipping through the pages of People magazine I'm watching girls from all over the world with the most interesting families try to find the perfect wedding gown. There's always some dress drama but most brides go home with a dress, and a lot less money, goodness, what some folks spend on a dress you're going to wear once. And now, TWO dresses are becoming popular, one for the ceremony and one for the reception! It's the biggest waste of time but the perfect way to wind down. OK, that's my guilty pleasure, tell us yours.