Friday, June 4, 2010

Heeeeee's Baaaaaaaack . . . . .

Look who's back from the quilter.......


I don't care what pattern you choose when quilting your top, there's just something about that rumpled, bumpy quilted look that really sets off a quilt.

But in this case, the quilting is pretty phenomenal . . . . .

Here's a view of the back.

And here you can sort of pick out how lovely the design looks from the front.

I was thinking Jake would hang over the bannister in living room,

but I threw him over the red couch, just to keep him off the floor, and I love him there. I've never had a quilt on either sofa that wasn't red, but I like this change of pace.

For more information on Jake you can select Quilt # 58, Climbing Jacob's Ladder II from my lifetime quilt list in the right hand column.


  1. Wow, Thelma! Jake is spectacular! And that quilting is just dynamite!

  2. Thelma, I am in love with Jake!! He is just so handsome. Beautiful job!

  3. Thelma, this quilt looks even more fabulous. I love the quilting and your fabric selection is just wonderful. I love it on the red couch. I think all the black really makes it work well.

  4. Jake is amazing! You have a great quilter and he looks perfect on that couch.

  5. He looks great! Your quilter did an awesome job.

  6. BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! Jake is incredible and is perfect on the red couch!

  7. Wow - beautiful! And Jake looks wonderful on your red couch!

  8. He's quite dapper, that Jake. I love the way he looks on your red couch! Beautiful, Thelma.

  9. Oh my he is just beautiful! I love him on your red couch too! :-) The quilting is really awesome.

  10. Your Jake is a very sharp dressed man now. He looks great on the couch.

  11. What I want to know is, who's your quilter and do they accept out of state jobs? Can't believe the fast turn around time and the great quilting job!

  12. It's beautiful Thelma - just love that color combination and it looks wonderful lying over the back of that couch!!

  13. Thelma, checking out your blog is one of the highlights of my day. You always have such beautiful quilts. This is another winner. Great job!

  14. Oh wow! Very nice. It's so gorgeous! and your home is lovely also! :)

  15. Wow! The front and the back are pretty phenomenal! And, I love the way it looks over the couch! Again, WOW!!

  16. Your quilt is beautiful. It looks great on your red couch. I'd leave it there too.

  17. You must have jumped for joy when you got Jake back from the quilters! I love the density of quilting -- it's just right!

  18. You are so right, the quilting only inhances the charm of your Jake. Great finish, Thelma! I like it on your sofa, too:-}


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