The first of every month I swap out the majority of the quilts that are out and about in my home. The beds, a few walls, the banister, the loft, they all get a new look. I have some quilts that get used year round and are always out, Cooper has two. It's a fun day and I look forward to it. But I only piece the tops, I don't quilt them, and without the help and support of some amazing quilters there would be no quilts to play with each month, a fact I never take for granted.
This month I've really been enjoying Memories of a Masterpiece on the guest bed. I was piecing this quilt this time last year, and now here it is all quilted and looking amazing.
It only takes looking at this before picture to really appreciate the the difference quilting makes.
Linda is blogging about quilting this top on her blog today, pop on over to get her take on quilting this top.
This is Memories of a Masterpiece, Lifetime Quilt #243, click here for more detail.

This month I've really been enjoying Memories of a Masterpiece on the guest bed. I was piecing this quilt this time last year, and now here it is all quilted and looking amazing.
Linda Hrcka at The Quilted Pineapple quilted this top for me. Whenever I send a quilt off to be quilted, regardless of the quilt, I only have two words of advice, "no feathers". Linda thought perhaps I should break my no feathers rule and she was right. The design and size are perfect for this top.
It only takes looking at this before picture to really appreciate the the difference quilting makes.
Linda is blogging about quilting this top on her blog today, pop on over to get her take on quilting this top.
This is Memories of a Masterpiece, Lifetime Quilt #243, click here for more detail.