Bonjour! While you were stopping by checking out my dresden blocks, I was on my annual Mother/Daughter vacation. My house was empty for over a week so I decided not to mention on my blog that I was gone. But I'm home now and things are back to normal on my blog and I've even activated the comments section again.
I've yet to really go through the pictures I took while on my vacation, honestly, I've yet to finish unpacking, so for now here's one picture to give you a hint of the location my daughter and I selected for our annual trip.

The week I spend with my daughter on vacation is one of my favorite weeks of the year, we have nothing but fun regardless of our destination, but this year we really had some fun by traveling to Paris and London. It was my first trip to Paris and I absolutely fell in love with that city. I can't believe I waited this long to go to Paris but am so thankful I finally decided to go. The main reason I had never visited Paris was that I thought it would be a challenging trip. I had heard and believed that the French disliked and were rude to Americans and I was hesitate to visit a country that didn't speak the same language as I. So while I was excited about going to Paris, I was preparing myself for a trip that would be work and maybe sometimes frustrating. I'm so happy to report that I was wrong, very very wrong. We met nothing but friendly and helpful people, had no problems with the language difference, ( most everyone speaks English as a second language), and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I"ll post more about my trip when I've gone through my pictures and don't have jet lag, so stay tuned.
Before I left on vacation, in addition to piecing those 16 large dresden blocks for Dresden Doilies, I also started a new project. Do you ever visit the Stella Rubin Antique Quilts website? I stop by at least once a week to look at the antique quilts they have for sale. I am constantly amazed by the workmanship of those old quilts. A while back I ran across a blue and white quilt that I enjoyed so much I thought I would try to make one of my own. I seem to be going through a navy stage this summer.
Anyway, as near as I could tell, the quilt was made up of these pieces. (I'm using a blue from the Indigo Crossing line by Minick and Simpson for Moda)
This is how I sort of figured out the layout.
And here it is with some more pieces and parts.
The quilt I saw online was they type of quilt that depending on how you looked at it, you could see different patterns, I'm not 100% sure I got the size right, but I think I do have the pattern right.
Have you been keeping up with the Patriotic Quilter's progress on her version of Dresden Doilies? JoAnne is fussing cutting a medallion print for her center circles that is amazing. At this rate I think I'm going to like JoAnne's Dresden Doilies project better than my own. Click on her blog in my Favorites List if you've not seen them.
And again, I've activated the comments section on my blog, feel free to leave a comment, I've missed visiting with you all.