It Wednesday, and you know what that means, it's Thelma's Crazy Eights Big Reveal Day!
Crazy Eights is the pattern I selected for the Fat Quarter Winners book tour.

It won't be the only pattern I make from this book!
Sometimes, when I look at this quilt, I'm curious as to what it would look like if I switched the position of the red and black fabrics. Not enough to make another one, but I wonder if the red would be less dominate if I switched them. I like the red, and love the quilt, but am curious just the same.
Why don't you give it a try and let me know how it works out!
One of my favorite things about Monique's Bundles and Bolts Website is the page where she displays quilts made by other quilters, using her patterns and, get this, with their pets!

So here's my attempt to get a good picture of Cooper in front of Crazy Eights, he got bored fairly quickly!
And even took off once. "Cooper, come back here!"

Is that the best smile you have for me, I guess so!
After you look at Monique's Pet Page, check out Twinkling Lights, a new pattern for April, I love it!
So as I went about my normal end of project cleanup, I had these leftover strips.
I'm an over cutter!
What to do with those lovely strips, I just hated for them to go to waste, which is what made me come up with this idea.....
Why not surround that lovely center with my leftover strips!
And made my Crazy Eights even CRAZIER!
I could not be happier with this quilt, believe it or not, it is even lovelier in person, the picture does not do justice to that fabric.
This is Lifetime Quilt #69, the entire time I worked on this quilt I always called it "Monique's Quilt", I think that's the name I'm sticking with.
This quilt finished at 74" x 85" and has approximately 1, 558 pieces.
Now for the winner of Monique's Fat Quarter Winners book and set of rulers . . .
Silly Sally!
I hope you're reading my blog this morning, I don't have your email address, drop me a note with your address and your gifts will be on their way to your door.
I hope you've enjoyed the book tour, I jumped from the Eventide sew along to the book tour with no time to think, what am I gong to do with myself now!!
Monique, congratulations on your first of what I expect to be many books, it's been a pure pleasure and nothing but fun participating in your book tour.