So here's my block layout for Belle Meade, I've decided to go with a random placement, and was able to put together a pleasing arrangement with very little drama. I started in the center and worked my way out and around. After getting all the blocks on my design wall, I moved a few around then went to bed. First thing the next morning I took another looksie, moved a couple of blocks and decided on this.
There are 22 red blocks, 13 dark and 9 light, and 19 blue blocks, 12 dark and 7 light.
I was undecided as to what color setting triangles to go with......
here's blue . . .
here's red . . .
Isn't it amazing how the blue really pulls out the blue and the red really pulls out the red? So that got me to thinking maybe going with red AND blue would be the way to go.
Here's some red in the corners with blue in the centers . (1)
Here's top blue bottom red . . . (2)
Or left side/top red, right side/bottom blue.... (5)
So that's all the choices I could come up with, I'm leaning towards 4, not for any particular reason other than I just like the way it looks. I'm very happy with this project, for someone who doesn't really like blue, I really like the look and romantic feel of this quilt.
This quilt pattern has an optional containment border and outer border, but I like it just this size, so once I get my setting triangles on and rows connected, Belle Meade will be done!
Nicole is working on Belle Meade too, I think she's finished all her blocks and we hope to have our quilts done and ready for our final big reveal on Friday.