So my original goal was to work on my Long Time Gone project a little bit at a time. Maybe a block a week, a section a month, something along those lines. But once I got started I figured out that this wasn't really the type of project I could easily work on every now and then. A lot of the blocks need strips and squares that are not efficient to just cut for one block at a time. So once I got started and was on a roll I figured I would break this project down into 3 projects. The projects consist of two piecing projects and one assembly project. The first piecing project is done. Here are all the blocks for Sections 1 - 4.
Section 1
Sections 1 and 2
Sections 1, 2 and 3
and Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4
I enjoyed piecing every block, a couple of blocks were first timers for me, like the Trip Around the World block and the Crosses of UK blocks. I changed up the Jacobs Ladder blocks but other than that it's pretty much just like the pattern.
I've now packed everything up into a couple of projects boxes and plan to finish piecing Sections 5 and 6 this summer. Then I'll assemble it all this fall, easily making my Year of Thelma deadline.
And speaking of The Year of Thelma, are you still planning to join my Miss Rosie Quilt Co sew along? I happened to notice that I am getting very close to Lifetime Quilt Number 200, and thought my Due South sew along quilt would be a perfect 200th quilt, so I'm going to finish a couple projects before I start my Due South, but don't let that stop you from starting, and be sure to send me your progress updates.
So next up is this project, which has been on my To Do List for over a year. A perfect project for spring I think.
The pattern Dash is by Heather Jones and available here.
I'm thinking these nice prints by V and Co for Moda would look great in that pattern and fit my need to work with spring colors. Since spring visited us shortly in February but has now disappeared I guess I need to get my spring fix inside instead of outside.

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