I'm playing catchup on my blog, I finished Long Time Gone in November but am just now getting around to blogging about it. Mainly because I needed to count the pieces in this finished project, it sure would have been easier to count them as I made each block, lol.
I started this pattern early in the year and finished the first four of the required 6 sections the end of March. (Click here for those blog updates)
Since I have a Year of Thelma goal of no unfinished projects I needed to wrap this one up.
Here are all the pieced blocks. If you look at the quilt on the pattern cover you may think this project is overwhelming, but it is not. Each block is fun and easy to piece, and the sections go together perfectly. You just take it a block at a time and then one section at a time.
Here are all the sections connected, I really loved the simple look of the light grey sashing and border and almost stopped there.
But then I decided to add the outer borders, and am glad I did, even if it did take me a couple of days to warm up to the bolder look.
This is Lifetime Quilt Number 216
The pattern is Long Time Gone by Jen Kingwell
All the fabric is by Cotton and Steel
It finished at 67" x 68"
It has approximately pieces 2,412
And while I think this quilt is a beauty from a distance, it has more charm up close. Here are a few pics of my favorite novelty prints hiding in those blocks.
I studied the pattern book on a weekend getaway and had a good understanding of all the components before I started. After I selected my fabric, mainly fat quarters, (I think I used pieces of around 60) I cut varying strip widths based on the needs of the majority of the blocks and the outer border all at once. When it was time to piece a block I just selected my fabric from the appropriate strips that I stored separately on large baking sheets by width. I also cut the sashing checkerboard squares as I went, from scraps. I think this helped move things along at a nice pace.
I enjoyed this project so much I think I may have to add Jen's 2017 BOM pattern, Baker's Dozen, to my 2018 To Do List.

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