Monday, October 24, 2011

I See a Pattern . . . .

Whenever I have a giveaway, I like folks to leave comments where I get something out of the giveaway too, by either getting to know the folks who stop by my blog better or learning something new about our passion, quilting.

The comments and emails on this giveaway did not disappoint, I'm not a fabric hoarder but I do have a weakness for patterns. Even if I know I'll never make the quilt on the pattern cover, I just love reading them, how the designer puts together her thoughts, the illustrations, the little helpful hints. Then there's the math, I just love to recheck the math for each little block and entire project.

Thanks so much for all the wonderful pattern suggestions, although I think several of you said it best, "picking a favorite pattern is like picking a favorite child"! I agree, it's hard to do and depends on the day and your mood. I also enjoyed reading how you like some finished projects more for the feelings they stir in you when you're using the quilt and how the pattern on the front is not all that important. The response I got the most that made me smile is, "my favorite pattern is the one that I just finished". I'm sort of the opposite, by the time I finish a project I'm not all that happy with it. I usually warm back up to it after some time has passed and it's been quilted.

I looked up each pattern that was your favorite and enjoyed every minute of it. It would take me days to talk about them all so I thought I would share some of the patterns that were new to me that you may enjoy also and a few of the more popular patterns.

This is Carol's favorite, and she's not just made one, she's made TWO of these beauties!!

Then there's Shakespeare in the Park by Judy Martin.

This is on my To Do list. I just can't decide on my fabric. I waffle back and forth between a red and cream version and a red, white and blue version, although, a red and black version would be amazing too! Click here to see some amazing versions of this quilt.

This was a very popular choice for favorite pattern,

And Stephani mentioned this Terry Atkinson pattern which I do have, somewhere . .

Monterrey Medallions.

Bonnie Blue is also a popular pattern choice, several of you love Belle Meade, which I've made and love and Diane mentioned this one

Lancaster. I have several Bonnie Blue patterns. Shiloh and Long Road Home were also mentioned. I like both of those too!

This pattern was also mentioned several times

Swoon, by Thimble Blossoms. This isn't my normal style, but this quilt is in my future!!

Sue mentioned this pattern

Maison Bleue by Crazy Old Ladies. I had never even heard of Crazy Old Ladies, have I mentioned I live a very sheltered quilting life.

This designer is new to me too, thanks Tracey for sharing,

it's by Sue Garman and I'm gong to be doing a little more research on her patterns.

This is Stars for a New Day. I've been whining to my friends about wanting a real challenge of a quilt pattern, this certainly fits the bill.

I'm also curious about this project, a favorite of Monica's.

This book was mentioned too, Spotlight on Neutrals by Pat Wys.

The pattern White Chocolate from this book seems to be popular. This designer and book are new to me. I've been thinking about trying a neutral quilt, maybe this book will help.

Several folks mentioned patterns by Monique Dillard for Open Gate Quilts. I have several favorites by this designer, this quilt

it's Secret Garden and I also really like Monte Carlo and Wine and Cheese.

But without a doubt, the pattern designer mentioned the most was Carrie Nelson for Miss Rosie's Quilt Co, and I think you mentioned all of her patterns. Plan C, Eventide and Elisabeth were mentioned the most often. Elizabeth wasn't even on my radar, I'm giving that pattern some thought now. You can find the pattern in the Miss Rosie's Spice of Life Quilts book. Why buy one pattern when you can get a book with 13 patterns!

And now for the winner of the Birdseye pattern and kit,

Ann from Utah, who sent an email.

So thanks again for stopping by and sharing your favorite patterns, so many wonderful patterns, so little time!


  1. Congrats to the winner! so many patterns, so little time!

  2. oooo!!! i really LIKE Stars for a New Day - that would keep me busy for a while ... and i love Swoon - it looks like paper snowflakes to me ... speaking of snow - we're supposed to get 8 inches starting tomorrow night - shiver - but the high today is supposed to be a record-breaking 80 degrees...

  3. Thelma,
    I enjoyed reading the favorites too! It was a wonderful way to know what quilters really love to make.

  4. All those fabulous patterns! Now I am so tempted to start even more projects! Quite a selection!

  5. I'm so sorry I missed this giveaway. Congrats to Ann. Such great ideas on patterns. I have a list going now from all the suggestions!

  6. What a great run down of patterns! I also own Monterrey Medallions, as I saw it made up with 30's fabrics and bought it on the spot! It's on my bucket list as I have been gathering different 30's fabrics. AND I also have Elizabeth (the pattern AND the book) which was made up as a sample at Quilts on Plum Lane, a shop where Carrie does workshops (when she can get down here to Florida). I've never made it to one of her workshops, but one day I will ;-)

  7. Enjoyed your follow-up post, and congrats to Ann!

  8. Thelma, the pattern with the feathered star medallion center looks like the kind of challenge you could enjoy. Quite a quilt...Stephani in TX (

  9. Thanks so much for sharing the popular patterns..I got a chuckle out of seeing one that I had mentioned, and I'll definitely put a few of the others on my to do list! I hadn't mentioned Carrie's Schnibbles quilts, but I just finished my second schnibble! Congrats to winner Ann!

  10. Wow, some wonderful inspiration. Thank you for sharing such great information.

  11. Loved the pattern review! I own a few of those too and should revisit my pattern collection.

    You should be a pattern editor!

  12. Thelma, I think Nicole made a quilt by the pattern by Crazy Old Ladies. It was very pretty and I put it on my to do list. Dortha

  13. Congrats to the winner. And thank you Thelma for showing some of the favorite patterns that were listed. I've increased my 'to-do' list by a couple of those. Thanks for sharing.

  14. If you are looking for a challenge, some of Lori Smith's patterns could fit the bill. Her website is Some of the pieced quilts with applique borders are especially appealing.

  15. The Karen Stone pattern is only $64-95 dollars.... guess I will have to do one from her book which I had the forsight to buy when it first came out.

    Now, Sue Garman and I'm gong to be doing a little more research on her patterns.

    My take is the current BOM are very very very expensive for a USA pattern.... over time her designs are getting more complex which just makes me want to make them more. Quakertown Quilts seems to have a very complete selection.

  16. All fabulous patterns - thanks for sharing!!


I try to respond to all my comments but sometimes I just don't get the job done. Please know that I am reading your comments and appreciate you taking the time to add a little of yourself to my blog.