Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some Sew Kind of Wonderful

At the beginning of the year, when I blogged about my goals for 2014, one of the projects that I wanted to accomplish was to learn how to use the Quick Curve Ruler by Jenny Pedigo at Sew Kind of Wonderful.  I follow Jenny's blog from my Favorites List, I'm guessing many of you do too, I fall in love with every new pattern she creates.

I first met Jenny when she did some quilting for me.  Jenny did an amazing job of quilting my Belle Meade quilt.  (Lifetime Quilt Number 66)

I have this quilt out at my house a lot, it's a nice year round sort of quilt.

A few weeks ago Jenny offered some rejects up for adoption and I was the lucky winner.

Jenny made these blocks using her Quick Curve ruler out of the fabric line Treasures and Tidbits by Piece O'Cake Designs.  I have a plan for them but am waiting for some additional fabric before I can start.

And then I got the opportunity that finally made me get out my Quick Curve Ruler and make some blocks.

Jenny is designing a curve it up sampler quilt and was looking for some blocks testers, I jumped at the chance.  I wasn't sure how good of a block tester I would be, not only would I be testing the directions for the pattern, I would be using the ruler for the first time too.

This is my first attempt at a block and it turned out perfectly.  I do have some experience sewing curved pieces, about 5 years and 100 quilts ago I made a couple of Crazy Curve quilts.

One of my favorite things about this ruler is that the pieces are squared up, creating perfect blocks, even if your sewing isn't so perfect.

My second block was a little harder, but the directions were perfect and it came together just as it should.

These are my two tester blocks.  I used Kate Spain's Daydream fabric by Moda.   I plan to make all the blocks when the pattern is available, which should be around the first of May, be on the look out for it!

I was pleasantly surprised by a couple of aspects of the Quick Curve Ruler.  First off, it makes all sorts of curved designs and sizes.  For some reason I thought it just made one block, but I was wrong.  I was also pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to use.  The directions I followed had wonderful directions and illustrations,   I had no trouble at all, as a matter of fact, I thought it was fun.  Finally, the blocks I made were made large and squared up, I'm not sure if all the patterns and blocks are this way, but it sure helps create a perfect block when the pieces are perfect when you start.


  1. Thelma-

    So glad to have your positive review of this ruler. I am so afraid of curves and circles. This might be a good way to start. I am missing out on some fun patterns by avoiding the curve!
    Linda W. LWheeler01at aoldotcom

  2. I think that I while I was watching you post this on Instagram you had me convinced I needed to try this.......this curve ruler just sounds fun and I am always up for fun!!!

  3. I have tried curved piecing without a lot of success. The ruler sounds like a fun way to get better results

  4. This ruler looks awesome! I have never tried curved piecing but would love to give it a try! -- Kim

  5. WOW! I've always stayed away from curved piecing, but would love to try the ruler.

  6. I've only tried improv curves but would love to try the ruler!

  7. Congratulations on your 700th post! I hope there are many more because I get a lot of inspiration from your blogs. This ruler looks like something I would have fun using. I love the idea of a curved block sampler.

  8. I've been so tempted to buy Jenny's ruler but haven't done so yet. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  9. I enjoy the Sew Wonderful Blog and all the curves she creates. Thanks for the review.

  10. I have this ruler already but would give one to my friend for driving to Kentucky the last 3 years but I wanted to say I got it started and have made 3 quilts a bed runner and leftover pieces into table runners it is fun they are up on my blog I love her quilting

  11. What a wonderful giveaway! I love the first block that you made!
    I'd love to win a ruler and would make me leave my comfort zone and try something new.
    Peggy in NJ

  12. Your blocks are so pretty! I haven't tried curves but it looks like fun!

  13. I have enjoyed seeing Jenny's quilts, but always was a little intimidated by curves.
    Your block looks great, and seems to be made simple by the ruler. Would enjoy having a chance to get one. I think the quilts made with this would be very extraordinary.
    Thanks for the chance to have one.

  14. I am trying to challenge myself this year and curves are on my list of things to do! Thanks for the chance to win the ruler!

  15. Your test blocks look amazing. I love curved blocks and so the opportunity to win a ruler that would make the cutting that much easier is wonderful. Thank you.
    Maureen B

  16. I love Jenny's quilting and have followed her blog too. Would love a chance to try her ruler.

  17. I follow her blog also, but I don't have the ruler. I'd love to win one! Thanks for the chance. I love your test blocks.

  18. I love your fabric choices for your blocks. I have followed Jenny for quite a while and would love to try her ruler.

  19. The ruler looks interesting as do the blocks. They don't look easy but I will take your word about it! Thank you for the chance to win and congratulations on 700 posts. Wow!


  20. Congratulations on your 700th post Thelma! Great review of the ruler and I love the fabrics you chose for the test blocks. Curves are not my thing, they simply scare me. However, I would give it a try with the right tools and instructions.

  21. Thanks for your ruler review. My retreat committee is hoping to offer a class on curved piecing for our retreat next year. It would be one that would use this ruler.


  22. I have been thinking about buying this ruler, would love to win it!! I'm wanting to do a bed quilt for my SIL with the pointsetta flower on it, like the table runner she made, but I"m going to put the flowers just down one side of the quilt top and leave the rest plain for beautiful i just need the ruler!!

  23. I too have been interested in the Quick Curve Ruler. Your review was very helpful and informative. I'll put it down on my "to do" list. If i happen to win one, it may move up a little on the never ending list! Thanks

  24. How exciting for a chance to win this ruler. I love the designs and can't wait to make something using it.

  25. Oh, what pretty blocks! Love the fabric and the designs. Looking forward to seeing what you will do with the blocks you adopted. It is nice when you comment about different tools that you have actually used. It helps us all! Thanks again. K-

  26. 700 posts!! I didn't realize I had been enjoying your blog for so long. Curved piecing with a ruler that makes it do-able; should be fun. Thanks Thelma. Looking forward to what comes down the road in future blog posts. Stephani in N. TX (

  27. Where have I BEEN? I've not heard of Jenny but I'll follow her blog from now on--what amazing blocks!! I'd LOVE to try this ruler. If I don't win it, I'll certainly order one.

  28. Congrats on your 700th post! I have followed Jenny for a while ,too and love her work. The quick curve ruler would be a fantastic win. Thanks for the chance to be brave and grow!

  29. Very cool! Looks great, Thelma.

  30. Curves really scare me still, but yours look really amazing. Thanks so much for the temptation as well as inspiration :) !!!

  31. Look interesting, and it's one ruler I DON'T have.... yet!

  32. Lovely blocks, but they look difficult!
    Maybe with the ruler I could practice, practice, practice

  33. I would love to win and try some curved blocks! Cute test blocks! Congrats on your blogging.

  34. Have always stayed away from curves, but this might give me a chance not to be such a coward and go for it! And I love the blocks! You always have such cheery quilts! Thanks for a chance at the ruler! Laura

  35. These curved blocks are so pretty. I would love to try some curved blocks. Sounds like this ruler could help with the anxiety.

  36. Congrats on 700 posts ! Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful ruler. You have inspired me ! I would love to win this ruler and try making some curve blocks and a pattern too ! WOW what a wonderful give away

  37. Congrats on 700 amazing accomplishment! And a generous giveaway, although I would likely be nervous about it if I won! Curves and I are not friends yet :)

  38. 700 posts! that's an awesome accomplishment. I can't wait to read your 1,000th post :) I've been intrigued by the curved ruler, but a bit intimidated. Your post made it look "doable", I will definitely be giving it a try.

  39. I really enjoy your posts and seeing what you've been working on. The ruler and a pattern would be some kind of wonderful!

  40. I spent 3 years working on a double wedding ring quilt, and have been afraid of curves ever since. I'd love the chance to win this ruler and try something new. Congratulations on your 700th post! I check in daily to see if you've posted, and it's been fun and educational reading you over the years.

  41. I'd love to try it. Thanks for the chance. I so enjoy your blog and LOVE all your quilting projects!

  42. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the quilts you have done. Thank you for the chance to win one of these rulers. I have sewn curves before, but nothing like this.

  43. Glad to read the ease of using this ruler and the variety. I had looked at it but did not purchase because I was leary of the outcome. Perhaps I'll be lucky enough to win it and a pattern and I'll give it a try! Thanks for the opportunity! is my email, should I win! Thanks!

  44. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas. I hope to get lucky!

  45. Do you know how long I have been thinking about getting this ruler? I am kind of chicken, though, when it comes to sewing curves, so I keep putting a purchase off to a later time. I love every pattern that comes from Jenny Pedigo that uses her special ruler; it is a relief to read that your experience with the ruler, it's instructions, and sewing the curves is a positive experience! Congrats, too, on your 700th post. Be assured, I have read them ALL!

  46. The quilts made with these rulers are amazing! I'm so impressed you decided to tackle something outside your comfort zone - something I should do more often. Great Giveaway - thanks!

  47. Your curves look wonderful and perfect! I have tried once or twice to do curves with little luck....a double wedding ring still not finished because my curves "stink!" You give me hope Thelma and perhaps another try is in order.....keep curving;)))

  48. I love your test blocks Thelma! I can see that this ruler would be a lot of fun! Congrat's on your 700th post! I've been following you nearly that long and have loved every post! Have a happy day!

  49. I love Jenny's blog, too. She is so talented in many areas--in addition to being a busy mom! I am always amazed by what she gets done. I have been planning to get that ruler for a while. The urban nine-patch is probably my favorite of her patterns. Thanks for the giveaway. Here's hoping for another 700 posts!! I look forward to each one.

  50. fun giveaway! Congratulations on 700 posts! Thanks for the chance. Curves totally scare me. Maybe these rulers will ease my anxiety about them. :)

  51. I have wanted to purchase this ruler as I love the patterns Jenny designs..thank you so much for the chance to win one!

    Congratulations on 700 posts...I look forward to reading your blog every week!

  52. This ruler has been on my wish list ever since I saw what amazing quilts can be made with it. I'd love to win!

  53. Thelma, Jenny's ruler and blocks have long intrigued me - I follow her blog, love her amazing quilts but have been rather intimidated. Your reassurance that it is easy might be just the encouragement I need! Your blog is among my favorites and I congratulate you on your 700th post - quite an accomplishment.

  54. I had heard about the ruler but assumed, incorrectly obviously, that it was not very versatile. I've officially changed my mind.

  55. Oh wow! Those blocks are stunning. I too, thought you could only make one kind of block with this ruler....
    Congrats with the 700th: keep up the good work :)

  56. Curves are on my list of new things to try. I'd love to use this ruler :-) I think it's great when a block comes out all squared up. Congrats on your 700th post :-) I look forward to many more :-)

  57. I've been looking for a way to make curves perfectly...looks like you've got it!

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I've been dying to try that ruler! Thanks so much for a chance to win! (I love her blog and pattern creations!!! So great!

  60. Wow- this looks very hard. Would love to try this ruler. Thank you for the chance!
    Lori B.

  61. I've looked at this ruler several times. I, too, love each and every quilt that Jenny shows made using this ruler. Therefore, I would love to win it and a pattern. Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on your 700th post.

  62. I've been wanting to try this for a while. I love the metro rings pattern! Congratulations on your 700th post--I've enjoyed every one of them!

  63. You've tempted me into trying it, too!!!

  64. I would love to try it also. Please put my name in the hat.

  65. I've only done a bit of curved piecing, but enjoyed it and even better . . . It worked out! I'd love to try that second block you made, very intriguing. Thanks for doing a give away. Karen

  66. I've been wanting to try one of Jenny's patterns with her ruler. Thanks you so much for this chance. You can reach me at I follow your blog.

  67. I love the quilts Jenny makes and have been an avid reader of her blog, however I have not had the courage to try the Quick Curve Ruler. Perhaps this is my chance!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. What a fresh new idea! Looks like great fun - Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. i'd love to give the ruler a try - what fun blocks!

  70. How nice of you! I do like the look of the curved blocks, but I have to admit that without that ruler, I'd probably be afraid to try it. would love to win the ruler and would definitely try it!

  71. I've always been afraid to try curves. Maybe this would help me get over that fear!!!

  72. Your blocks are so pretty & you make it sound so easy !! I'd love to win the ruler & try my hand at making some curves !
    Marilyn S.

  73. I just ordered this ruler and it came a few days ago. I will be watching with interest. I'm excited to try my hand at it. Jenny's work is so wonderful.

  74. It has been years since I have made a drunkards path quilt. I just read a post that had a drunkards path made from men's recycled shirts. I just picked up quite a few shirts at our local resale shop's bag sale. This ruler could be the missing piece!! Thank you for the opportunity.

  75. This sounds like a great tool, would love to try it. Thanks for the chance!

  76. Ooh, curves intimidate me! I'd love to give this ruler a try! Thanks!

  77. I would love to try out this ruler. the blocks you showed are greatl. congrats on your 700th post. thanks for the chance to win.

  78. Your 700th post?! Amazing! I love your test did a fabulous job of these. Thanks so much for a chance at the give-away.
    mgw070 at shaw dot ca

  79. I made an apple core/hatchet quilt several years ago and I said no more curves. Maybe this ruler would change my mind.

  80. These look like fun blocks to make. They do look hard but I am trusting you that they are not difficult to make. :) Congratulations on 700 posts.

  81. Great post and wonderful blocks!! Your blocks turned out perfectly which is impressive since this was your first time using this ruler.

  82. wow, I have been oohing and aahing over Jenny's quilts ever since I found her blog a year ago. I have been so intimidated and afraid of curves blocks ever since I tried a drunkard's path on a quilt sampler years ago. I must say that this ruler could be the end of all that drama. Congrats on your 700th post and thanks for all the inspiration and this wonderful opportunity.

  83. I love this ruler and Jenny's patterns. Curved piecing has never been so easy! Everyone should try it!

  84. I'm always impressed by how creative people are! It totally takes me out of my comfort zone! Curves take me out of my comfort zone! I need to check Jenny's site an be inspired to jump from my comfort zone! Great blog you have! You also inspire me!

  85. I've been thinking about this ruler for awhile but haven't taken the plunge. Hope I win but even if not, maybe Ill finally get around to it. Thanks for your blog, I think I've read all 700 posts!

  86. Thanks for sharing about the ruler, the blocks are very original. I can't find her in France :(

  87. I've never done a curved piece quilt and this would be a great incentive to learn a new skill.

  88. Thanks for giving your opinion on this ruler. I too have never did a curved block maybe this is what we need to help us. Thanks for a chance to win it.

  89. I would love to win the ruler as I have "curveophobia" I love the look of curved piecing but not the actual sewing. I think this ruler might cure my problem. Thanks for the chance to win.

  90. Congrats on the 700. Always been a bit chicken when it comes to curves but your review gives me the courage to try and confirms my thinking that this looks like the curve ruler for me - hope I'm lucky!

  91. Dear Thelma,
    Those were some nice looking rejects you won! Thanks for the chance to win a ruler-- looks like fun.

  92. I have always found sewing curves to be difficult. This ruler seems to make curves easier. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  93. Great rejects. I have yet to really sew some curves, I think all the pins to me is a bit intimidating, but how much different is it than setting in a puffy sleeve into a dress.

  94. Oh, I love what you've done. I want to try a curved block sometime, if I win this I won't have an excuse not to anymore. Curves always worry me. Thanks for the giveaway.

  95. at first i was intimidated about doing curves but then decided to just sit down and try. it was easier than i thought. i even thought a class on doing curves. this ruler looks like a tool to have. can't wait to see what you do with the blocks you won.

  96. This ruler looks like it would be fun to use! I would love to win one. Thanks for the giveaway and for featuring the ruler and Jenny's blog. I'll have to trot over there and take a look.

  97. I love curves in quilts, but they can be a little scary. The ruler looks like a lot of fun and full of possibilities--that for the chance to win one!!

  98. Your review on this ruler sells me. Especially when you said how much FUN it was to make these pieces. And I agree, squaring up the piece is so helpful for perfect blocks. Even if I don't win, thanks for the giveaway - someone will be blessed.

  99. 700! Wow!! Cograt!!!
    Love the blocks-Thanks for the give away!

  100. Congrats on your 700th post. I really enjoy your blog and seeing what you're working on. Your choice of fabrics for your sampler blocks was amazing.

  101. My friend made a quilt with this ruler and I have been intrigued by it ever since! Thanks so much for the chance to win and congrats on 700 posts - amazing!

  102. I've just discovered you today, and already I love everything you do. You might just help me get over my fear of curves.

  103. Love the look of your blocks. Would love to be able to make some of my own.

  104. I have been craving this ruler for a while but shy away at the notion that I'm not a very experienced quilter, perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity??

  105. Making blocks with curves is on my list of to-do but not sure how. This ruler looks great. Joan (

  106. I would live to win this ruler and the Urban Winter pattern. I have not worked with curves and this would be a great opportunity to try it. Thanks for the giveaway.


  107. I've seen so many great blocks made with this ruler! Thanks for the chance to try it out. Deb

  108. i love this ruler!! thanks for the chance to win it

  109. I have loved Jenny's patterns for I don't know how long. Would love to do Urban Tiles. Thanks for an opportunity to win the ruler. She makes it look simple on her video and your approval and great blocks make me want it even more. Thanks!

  110. Thanks for the opportunity, I think I could put that ruler to good use!

  111. This ruler I passed on when Jenny first brought it out. I thought it had a limited use too but she's been so cleaver to show so many beautiful patterns I have it on my wish list now. I hope I win it. I think I would make her mod olive pattern

  112. I really enjoy the visual changes this ruler makes to classic (occasionally even boring) block patterns. I would like to see how it changes their construction, too. Thank you so much for this chance!

  113. I've always avoided curves, but you make it sound easy and painless, using this ruler. I'd love to give it a try. Thanks for the chance to win. And thanks for blogging. I visit regularly, and love hearing about and seeing you sew your way through so many beautiful quilts.
    Debbie R.

  114. Wow! Watched the you-tube video about this ruler, now I want/need one! Thanks for the giveaway.

  115. I've only sewn a curved block once in a sampler. I would love to try this!

  116. Looks like a great tool to take the challenge out of those curved blocks. It would be fun to try.

  117. I've sewn one quilt with curved blocks and really liked the results. This ruler looks like it would make this process even easier! Thanks for the giveaway!

  118. Your blocks look great - especially with that Kate Spain fabric! I've always been afraid to sew curves so far, but I'd like to try out that ruler. Thanks for the chance to win.

  119. I love Jenny's work and have the ruler and one quilt made. Do plan on making more.
    Thanks for a chance to win

  120. I love your blocks and would love to try the ruler. Thanks for offering one as a giveaway!

  121. oooh-another thing for me to try - this looks like fun!


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