Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Tour . . . .

Welcome to Week One, Day Three, Thelma Day One, of the Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour!

Or as I like to call it, my turn!

Fat Quarter Winners is the first book written by Monique Dillard. You are probably familiar with Monique through her Open Gate patterns or Fit to be Geese rulers. The book is published by C&T Publishing and is currently available for purchase through several online book stores, online quilt stores, or maybe even a quilt shop near you. The book is also available through Monique's Open Gate Quilts website.

Since I don't get in a quilt shop very often, I keep a list of books I see folks blog about online, and then when I finally do get to a quilt shop or book store, I look them over. I won't buy a book for one pattern, I have to like at least TWO projects in the book and am really happy when 3 projects appeal to me. But that being said, I do prefer books over individual patterns. There are usually more illustrations in quilt books than individual patterns, there are usually more colorful pictures, and I just love the introductions, those first few pages at the beginning of quilt books that you may skip. It's in those first few pages that you get a real feel for the author and I usually pick up a few new tips. At a minimum, those introductions reinforce that what I am doing, I'm doing correctly.

So imagine my excitement to get the opportunity to actually look at a book before it hit the shelves. This book has eleven different patterns and I like them all. The other features of this book that appeal to me are the alternate quilt sizes for each project, you know how I like to make my projects any size but the pattern designer's size. No math required, Monique provides several alternatives to meet your size need. I also like how the patterns in this book can be made with any style of fabric, you like Civil War reproduction fabric, that works, you like Kaffe Fassett, that works, into batiks, perfect choice, looking to use up some of your stash, this book has you covered. I would say this book gets the "C n D" stamp of approval.

The first thing Lisa, Nicole and I needed to do when we got our books was to decide which pattern we wanted to make for our book tour. We each made a list of our top 3 favorites then shared our lists, we all chose the same pattern for our number one choice, Pinochle! Well that wouldn't make for an interesting blog tour. I'm not making Pinochle for the book tour, but believe me, I will be making Pinochle! (interestingly, while we all picked the same number one choice, all of our number two and number three choices were different!!)

My second choice was Crazy Eight.

I liked how the center block spilled out into border, I liked how depending on your focus, this project has different looks, sometimes it looks like it is two large alternating blocks, sometimes the blue blocks look like they form a circle around the background four patch, sometimes it's the diagonal line of blue blocks that catch my eye. It also didn't hurt that there was a little red in the pattern!

So once I chose my pattern, I then needed to decide on my fabric. I've never made a red and black quilt and I thought that combination may work really well for Crazy Eights.

I started with this bundle of Sophia fabric by Wyndham that I bought for no purpose other than to set out in my sewing room, well no more, I pulled out the fat quarters that were predominately red or predominately black.

To those I added any black or red fabric in my stash that caught my eye. I just stacked them on this shelf until I had what I thought was a good assortment.

The quilt size I'm making is 60" x 72" and calls for 10 black, 10 red, and 10 light fat quarters, how easy is that! So easy that I figured I would go with 20 different reds and 20 different blacks, you know me, I've said it before, "more is more". I also decided to go with one background fabric instead of several, just to give my project less background noise.

Each block is made up of red and black sets. So I needed to match my black and red fabric into sets.

Here they are.
Even though the book calls for fat quarters, this particular pattern doesn't use a strip of fabric wider than 2 inches so you could also use jelly roll strips, or any other strips you may have.

So that's where I am, I've got my fabric selected, my strips cut, now I just need to make a few of these blocks.....

84 to be exact!

I used this basket when I was making my twelve thousand hst units for Belle Meade, I never did get this basket full,

maybe 84 Crazy Eight blocks will fill it up! Come back next Wednesday for an update!

So here's this week's Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour Schedule:
Monday - Nicole - Sister's Choice, Nicole is making Rummy
Tuesday - Monique - Open Gate Blog, Monique is making Spades
Wednesday - Me and Crazy Eight
Thursday - Lisa - Stashmaster, Lisa is making Pinochle!! Yes, Lisa won out and is making our number one favorite pattern, I bet you can't wait to see it, I know I can't!!


  1. This book seems very intersting, I LOOOOOOOve scrap quilts. Thanks for the chance to win .

  2. OH I love scrap quilts , this book looks like one that definitely needs to be in my library!
    looking forward to seeing the quilts made from the book!

  3. Every pattern I am seeing from this book screams make me!! I love your fabric choice. I can't wait to see this baby grow!

  4. I'll have to take a look at that book since it is Thelma approved! And, I'll be watching to see how your Sophia stitches up--that's a line I've been resisting (so far successfully), but we'll see how long that lasts!

  5. I think this quilt will be awesome in black and red. I am so looking forward seeing those strips become a quilt.

  6. I love a design like this that looks different every time you look at it.

    Thx for the chance to win.

  7. Oh Thelma, those blacks and reds! They are so lovely and so YOU! Your quilt is going to be very bold I think, and I cannot wait to see how it comes together. Yet another quilt for me to add to the Must Do list!

  8. I am liking this book more and more with every page reveal.

  9. So far I haven't seen a pattern I don't like. I can't wait to get the book - and see all of the quilts you gals make.

  10. Oh My Goodness, this is going to be one stunning quilt! Great post - I like seeing how you determine which fabrics to use (my weak point)! I loe Moniques Fit to be Geese rulers and can't wait to get the book!

  11. Another must-have book, it seems!

  12. Can't wait to see the quilt completed! This looks like a great book. Love your red and black fabric.

  13. I like your philosophy on buying a book; I tend to want to make more than one project when I invest in a new quilt book.

    Thelma, please don't get sick of reading from me; but once again, I love your pattern and fabric choices. This is going to be a fun project to watch you guys work on.

  14. Great pattern! I can't wait to see your quilt and I love your fabric choices. I have this book pre-ordered already & can't wait for it to arrive. Am loving the book tour in the meantime:)

  15. Oh gosh, it definitely sounds like a must have book! I'll have to add it to my list. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous!

  16. I love your pattern and I really love your fabric choice...oh it's going to be an incredible quilt!

  17. I am for sure getting this book. Love the scrappy possibilities!!

  18. Your fabric choices are delicious and this quilt is really going to be wonderful! Thanks for showing how you get started on a quilt.

    I tried to post yesterday but LiveJournal was too busy. Hope it works now.


  19. If all of you selected the same pattern as your first choice it just proves you all have great taste! Right?! However, from what I've seen, ALL of her patterns are appealing to me! Can you tell I LOVE scrappy well as games! I remember playing "Crazy 8" with my grandma when I was a young girl. Your "Crazy 8" is going to look marvelous, darling! ;^)

  20. You're soooo organized! Wish I had your red and black stash, although I just happened to go shopping for red and black for another project. I may need to switch it. Thanks!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. 84 blocks to make? For you...a piece of cake ooopps, make that a piece of Cupcake! lol I absoutely love your blog and creations. Can't wait to see how this crazy eight quilt will look. Your fabric choices and colors are always so beautiful.
    The eventide QAL was gorgeous and I am glad that you are helping to spread the word about this new book of Monique's, Fat Quarter Winnings. Thanks Thelma.


  23. What an exciting new book! Thanks for showing us a preview and of course, you picked the right colors lol!

  24. This is a really nice quilt. Thanks for showing your audition of fabrics. The book reviews have many positive comments on the quilt patterns.


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