Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments for our Eventide Sew Along Parade!
I agree, they all are winners!
I was finally able to download a decent picture of Carol's Eventide . . .
Doesn't that make a difference! What a beauty, thanks for being so patient and understanding Carol!
I also posted Sinta's Eventide before it was totally pieced. Here's her finished Eventide.
I never could figure out how to swap the picture in my blog with this one.
Sinta has named her finished Eventide her "Dear John Quilt", check out Sinta's blog for her Dear Eventide letter. Sinta, I think you'll fall back in love with this quilt at some point, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but for sure, one of these days you'll be so happy to have this big lovely Fig Tree quilt on your bed, I just know it.
I learned so much hosting my first sew along. Next time I will give folks more time to work a sew along into their schedule, a little more time to prepare and finish what is currently on their sewing table before the official start date. I'll also make sure adequate patterns are available before the official start date. As a whole, I think things went pretty well.
I will host another sew along and am currently mulling over some ideas. One idea is to go at a slower pace, to give new quilters and busy quilters time to easily participate. Maybe have monthly goals over a 6 month period. Another idea I'm trying to figure out is a sew along where we all use the same fabric but chose our own patterns. I'm having a hard time figuring out how I could get a group to not only agree on a family of fabric, but to go out and buy it. Stay tuned for updates.
Now for our Sew Along Winners -
Gretchen - Stella Bella Quilts, you are the winner of the $50 Gift Certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop - donated by Kimberly

Thanks to both of our very generous prize sponsors!
I'm working on the mug rugs I promised each finisher at the start of the sew along, I hope to get them in the mail next week.
Now that I've wrapped up the sew along, I wonder what to do with all my spare time, maybe some Evening Bloom and a new quilt or two, for sure I'll be back to reading my favorite blogs, checking out the new ones from folks who followed the sew along, and getting caught up on my comments!
Yes, Gretch!!!!! Can't wait to see your Eventide in person. Thanks Thelma for a fabulous sew along! Looking forward to the next one:) Of course, I do plan to finish my Eventide. I made a huge mistake and put it away in plastic. I'll pull it out when I figure out what to do with my problem:) Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting another picture. That was totally my fault for sending a cell phone picture. I am so excited to be a prize winner! Thank you and thanks again for hosting the sew along. It was great seeing all the results for Eventide. They are all beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLove your creative ideas for another sew along! I love the idea of everyone using the same fabrics and their own project design...with or without a theme. And with a longer time frame I would be unable to resist for sure :)
ReplyDeleteMore lovely Eventide quilts for us to behold and to covet quietly!! Well done! Applause, applause!!
ReplyDeleteHave fun with that extra time you'll have on your hands 'til the next sew-along happens, Thelma!
Thanks for hosting. I was thinking about doing this, but yes unfinished projects and an urge to paint my sewing room distracted me. I loved checking in every Tuesday though to see what was happening. I hope you'll host another that I can be a part of! Part of the fun for me was to see how different the pattern can look in different fabrics. Thought it was great and inspiring.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the winners! Thank you Thelma for a wonderful adventure! I am ready for the next one and thanks for the nice comment about my quilt... I did have a quilt that I couldn't stand/didn't like it one bit... and after I quilted it, washed it... I fell in love and it is the one I have on the foot of my bed. So who knows:) it could happen again.
ReplyDeletei think that your sew-along ideas are super
ReplyDeleteand i wish you luck getting a group of quilters to agree that water is wet, let alone agreeing on fabric - we're all using the same focus fabrics on Hot Flashes and you would not BELIEVE some of the snarkiness about other people's background choices - ha ha ha!
the Eventides are all absolutely gorgeous!!! thank you for giving all the rest of us something to oogle!!!
Thanks Thelma for all the work you put into hosting the Eventide sew along. I knew that quilt would go on my to-do list the first time I saw it and seeing your posts of everyone's fabric choices and progress is inspiring.I hope to join your next sew along.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely do another quilt-a-long with a longer time frame. I am still working on my Eventide. Life has just gotten busy. I am still working on the Ohio stars.I think it will go quickly when these are done.
ReplyDeleteThree cheers to the Eventide finishers and to those who are still working away on theirs! I'm in on the next sew along and looking forward to hearing the details when you have them worked out.
ReplyDeleteI would love to join a quilt along with a slower pace. I'm a slow sewer. But once I get going and find the right groove, there's no stopping me!