Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A little bump in the road

This is the last picture of Summer Wind that I shared with you.  At first I didn't notice anything amiss, but one day I walked into my sewing room, looked at this top on my design wall and saw it. and then said, "oh no", or something along those lines that I won't repeat today.  I have two like colors touching in border 3 and border 4!!

See that weird design made by that orange square up against that orange triangle?  For the better part of the day I tried to convince myself that it was OK, that I could live with it.

Well it turns out I couldn't, but that's OK, it was an easy fix.  And now look, all my border 5 blocks are on.

Sinta has her stars ready to go too, only one more border to go for both of us! 


  1. Some bright "Summer Wind", a lot like summer looks in TX. I love it.
    Stephani in N. TX (

  2. Yep...didn't notice it till you pointed it out but then quite noticeable. That last border is just great and changes the whole feel of the top. Wonderful job and love your color choices very much.

  3. When I saw your post on Instagram, I knew you couldn't leave it! And if it bothered you, of course you should fix it! I love your pink corner blocks. Such a pretty fabric collection.

  4. Such happy fabric! And a wonderful quilt! I was pretty sure you'd switch those fabrics too!

  5. I would have done the same... such a beauty! Those stars are gorgeous.

  6. Oh yes, been there, done that! Love the star borders!

  7. Good fix, as yes, it looks "smoother," and your eye isn't drawn there, wondering what's going on. I had one of those moments yesterday, (quilt all up on the wall, then noticed an oops) and finished the unpicking, then restitching before heading to bed.

    This is a fun quilt, and congrats on getting the star borders on!

    Elizabeth E.

  8. Oh, I know that feeling when you try to convince yourself it will be okay and "I'm the only one who will probably notice." No siree...and lucky for you it was an easy fix that creates just the most unique quilt, XOXO

  9. WOW! can I have it??? :)

    I would have left it but complained about it every time I looked at it. good for you for taking the time to fix it. AND it's good that you spotted it before it got quilted!

  10. It is so pretty Thelma. That's why it's always good to stand back or walk away from a project and go back with fresh eyes to see it.... you can catch those little things! I really love your borders and especially the corners of row 5 and the way they connect you to row 2. Then my eye hops to the HST corners around the center star. Perfect!

  11. Gorgeous! I could have told you you would rip it out and fix it!!!

  12. I love your "Star Burst" quilt. Really, I absolutely LOVE it. Those colors make me smile, smile, smile. :-)

  13. This is such a darling quilt top.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  14. I love it! Sinta's is great too :)


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