It's Tuesday, time for another Eventide Sew Along update!
For those of you who've not been by lately,

I was lucky enough to find 31 other quilters just looking for an excuse to make this quilt too!
It's not too late to join, send me an email or leave a comment if you're interested!
First, I think I finally have my sew along list in order, but if you've been omitted or added in error, please contact me. I've added all participants to the Eventide list on the left.
Now for some Miscellaneous Updates:
Nicole, at Sister's Choice Quilts, who's using a mix of Lecien fabric but mainly Antique Rose for her Eventide, posted a very helpful blog regarding fabric choices for Eventide, be sure to read it if you've not done so. It's worth reading even if you aren't making Eventide. Choosing fabric is definitely my biggest struggle when making most quilts. Today Nicole is providing a tutorial on how to make the hour glass blocks for Eventide, another reason to pop over to her blog. Nicole, thanks so much for providing such wonderful posts for Eventide, your tips have been a big help to me!
Sinta, at Pink Pincushion, blogged about an Eventide finish, not hers, but an amazing quilting job on someone else's, take a look and be prepared to drool!
Judith, at Smokey From the Netherlands, blogged about her participation in the sew along, in two languages! She's using Roses the Noel as her fabric for Eventide.
Paula, at How to Make an American Quilt, has cut out and sorted all her Luna Notte fabric and started piecing the Ohio Star blocks, her design wall is looking pretty good, take a look.
Gretchen, at Stella Bella Quilts, has her Eventide pattern and fabric, I'm eager to see Eventide using her fabric choice of, are you ready for this, Central Park!
Sue, at Cozy Little Quilts, has also made her fabric selection, Luna Notte, and her first Ohio Star Block, take a look!
And finally Beatrice, has posted some pictures of her Eventide progress. She's off to a great start, her hour glass blocks are all done.
I think that's all the posts I've caught for Eventide progress, if I missed you this week, I'll make up for it next week.
Some folks have also passed along their fabric selection for Eventide,
Deb is leaning towards Jo Morton fabrics,
Anita is going with Rural Jardin (I've yet to see that fabric make a bad quilt)
Bea thinks Collection for Cause - Heritage will make an amazing Eventide,
Carol is thinking about Wiscasset,
Lisa is going with Luna Notte ( our most popular choice so far),
Betty is shoppping from her stash and going with an older 3 Sisters line, Gingham Rose,
Peggy has decided on Gatherings,
Shelley, Martinique, (I think I've spotted one quilt using this fabric on a blog, and it wasn't Eventide, this was a popular line but folks must be sitting on their fat quarter bundles!)
Sinta and Cheryl are going Fig Tree, Mill House Inn and Breakfast at Tiffany's
and Leona is going to let the fates decide her choice, she's ordered Antique Fair and Park Avenue, whichever fabric arrives on her doorstep first, that's her choice. I wonder what will happen if they show up the same day!
So that's all I've heard so far as far as fabric choices go, but we have a wonderful assortment already. What an amazing parade we'll have!!
I'm going with Park Avenue for my Eventide, I, like Bea, decided to make the large star points (large hour glass blocks) first. Here's my first attempt that didn't please me.....
I wish I could tell you why.....and that's the part that drives me crazy, I'm not a why person. I'm a rule follower, which is probably why being an Accountant fit me perfectly, no whys in Accounting, it's all about following the rules. But I'm wanting to understand why I do and don't like my fabric choices, it would be so helpful, a real time saver, and easier on my budget if I could determine my likes and dislikes before I cut and piece the blocks.
And here are 6 sets that do.

I'm now trying to decide if the only reason I picked Park Avenue was because of the blue, and the pattern had the large star points in blue. After making so many poor choices, I'm beginning to think it's not my fabric choices that aren't appealing to me as much as the blue star points. I'm now wondering if I wouldn't prefer those star points in caramels or tans.
I think the only way to determine if I'm going to like this look is to finish the quilt with the blues, and even then, I wonder if I'll be thinking that I could have made a better fabric choice. Note to self, before you start cutting and piecing your Eventide, or any pattern for that matter, remember, you can choose any fabric that appeals to you for any aspect of a project, the picture on the cover of the pattern is just a suggestion, a pretty good suggestion, but just a suggestion.
Oh well, now it's on to the 42 Ohio Star blocks for me. I think I"ll make a few, to get a feel for the fabric, then go to town on cutting all pieces and parts for the remaining blocks, or at least that's my plan for today!
Denise in PA, you're the winner of the Pom Pom Charm pack giveaway from last week, send me your address and I'll get that lovely fabric in the mail to you!
Beatrice - You're this week's Sew Along winner of any Carrie Nelson pattern from the Fat Quarter Shop!!
Added later - I just learned today is Beatrice's birthday, so she's a winner AND a Birthday Girl, so drop by and wish her a Happy Birthday, and if you can say Happy Birthday in French, that would be great, Beatrice is joining our sew along from France and has selected Due South as her Carrie Nelson pattern!!
If you wold like to win a Carrie Nelson pattern of your choice from the Fat Quarter Shop, leave a comment on this post by midnight, CST, Wednesday, February 23rd.
Any comment will do!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Morning Thelma!
ReplyDeleteReceived my pattern and have gotten to work on cutting fabric. I have my first Ohio Star block layed out and I'm pretty pleased with how it looks. I'll get some pictures together for next week. Thanks for taking care of all of the "administrative" work for all of us!
I have the worse time in the world choosing fabrics. That process just drags on forever! My daughter would have cut out all her project and I would still be playing with the fabric on mine.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update and for the links to the others. I'm off to visit them next!
Wish I was sewing along too. I know they will be fabulous quilts.
ReplyDeleteI have the hardest time choosing fabric. I think because of a very limited budget so I can't sew with just quilt shop fabric, though I would love to. I think the blocks on the bookshelf are just lovely.
ReplyDeleteA lot of February birthdays. Mine was on Sunday.
Have appointments to take my MIL to and then I hope to start choosing fabric. I got the pattern on Saturday so I'm behind a little.
I think your block look great! Even though I'm not quilting a long I like to see the steps along the way. It makes me think that maybe I could do such a difficult pattern if I break it down into steps.
ReplyDeleteHi Thelma! I changed my mind and am now using an older Fig Tree line called Fig & Plum. See I have a hard time deciding too. The Fig Tree fabric has a more muted selection of neutrals that I think won't complete as much with the star blocks. I haven't started yet but hope to do at least one block before next Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteIt cracked me up when you said you are a rule follower! You almost always redo every quilt pattern...which I love since I never have the courage to do that! Since I've been following your blog, I've come to the conclusion that red is your favorite color and blue is your least just go with what you love! I am really looking forward to seeing all the different Eventide will be fun to see all the different fabric choices.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win and order an Eventide. Hopefully I could catch up with the project. Thank you for the opportunity.
I'm behind because my pattern hasn't arrived, but when it does, I will get in gear. I'm eager to see all the different combinations. It's hard to go wrong with this lovely pattern.
ReplyDeleteThelma, I love that you are providing so many insightful ideas about making this quilt. I've been playing with fat quarters and should be able to start cutting soon!
ReplyDeleteYeah my pattern arrived today in the mail. I already hoped it would arrive soon as next week I have 3 days of so lots of time to cut and sew. I think I will be starting the cutting tonight.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a hard choice to make, I like all of Carrie's pattern. I'm not quiling along because I'm in the middle of piecing Farmer's Wife together.
ReplyDeleteI am in california so I guess I was the last one to post my progress on eventide this morning . It has been alot fo fun working on this quit but I agree what takes the most time is figuring out what fabrics I am going to use each time.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing your Eventide in progress... I think it's beautiful and you shouldn't overthink it... but you always come up with something extra special, so I can't wait to see what it is. I think that is what gives quilters the biggest block when they are going to make the quilt for themselves... to invision it differently than what the pattern shows.
ReplyDeleteBTW... you might like rules, but you seem to like to "adapt" them.
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with you putting this sew a long together and all the work that it is taking. It was fun going to all the blogs and visiting, seeing their work for the same pattern, Eventide. I am still on the fence of joining the group. :( But I must decide soon. I sent for the pattern but I am having trouble choosing fabric. I appreciated Nicole's lesson last week. It really takes an eye and practice, I guess. Thelma, your work always turns out lovely--I think your blood, sweat and tears (behind the scenes) are worth it. : )
Thank you for your blog and bringing ALL together for the sew a long.
Beverly in WA state
I just love to read the thought process on what fabrics get auditioned. Whatever you chose in the end, it will look great!
ReplyDeleteI have the hardest time choosing fabric too, and it isn't until I've got several blocks together that I can even tell if they are "successful" ie read well and I like them. But what a waste of time and fabric when I don't like them. I like the blues on yours, but the caramels might really pop. I'm looking forward to seeing what you choose.
ReplyDeleteHi Thelma, I thought I left a comment earlier, but we were having internet problems so maybe it didn't post.
ReplyDeleteI love process posts... I have a couple of questions.
1. if you try different things out and don't like them, then you've used up a lot of your original fabric, right? Do you just add others as you think about it?
Which leads to
2. At the end of the cutting instructions for Eventide, Carrie says to cut one or two squares from some 3 1/2 inch strips, or, just set the strips aside. I don't see that she later says to use them. Are those strips just additional? I surely think I have read the pattern completely, as much as I
ve carried it around! But maybe I just missed it?
I find your struggle to find the right color combination for you interesting:) Thelma...can't wait to see what you chose.
ReplyDeleteThelma, do you have the Electric Quilt software? I think it would be perfect for you! You can audition your fabrics in your quilt layout first not to mention changing up the layouts a bit and testing different borders. I think you'd love it.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying reading about Eventide and all the wonderful fabric choices! You are always so inspiring.
Your fabric choices will be beautiful whatever you decide.
I have the pattern and love it but am still intimidated about fabric choices... what to put where... even after reading Nicole's post about color choices. Your blocks look great... love the red in the hourglass blocks!
ReplyDeleteI am getting a late start too, since my fabric just arrived. I chose Charlevoix from Minnick & Simpson for my version. I hope to start cutting soon!
I am so inspired by all that you get done. Eventide is a little more than I can tackle right now, but I love seeing your progress on the quilt.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to read everyone else is having a hard time choosing fabrics too! I also think I choose a lighter blue because of the pattern, but I'm really loving it. I haven't made up my blocks yet, but have a few cut out. Funny thing is my color combos are similar to yours, but different fabrics...will be cool to see how they come out! Thanks for hosting this :)
ReplyDeleteMartinique! I found my two layer cakes and evidently I thought I had a plan early and had purchased some dark pink (perfect for the inner border of diamonds) and enough for strip borders or additional stars. I'm excited now. The pattern came in the mail on Tuesday and I have some free time this weekend to get started. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. The helpful hints from you, Nicole and Lisa. You three make Carrie's patterns so enjoyable to work on.
ReplyDeleteI'm so enjoying your adventure with Eventide. My mother is very ill right now so there is not much sewing happening here at the moment. I've been living vicariously through all of you. Thanks for organizing everything, Thelma and for all of your beautiful quilts. Keeps me dreaming!!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to do this fun quilt with y'all. But I have promised myself I would start no new quilts till I clear out a bunch of UFOs.
ReplyDeleteThat is a beautiful pattern and I love your fabrics~ enjoy!
ReplyDeleteWell--sign me up! I didn't get selected for Jury duty. I just finished a donation quilt for the kid's school and now I'm (almost) free!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what transpires!
I used to struggle with color choices and then took some art classes - as in painting. If you can get to an art supply store, ask for a book on color. It's really helpful. Contrast, warm and cool color, how to get different grays and why, it's all in the books and is a huge help! When I don't like a combination now, I know why so that helps me pick a fabric I'm happy with.