Monday, February 18, 2013

It's Monday . . .

I didn't sew much over the weekend, but I did make a little progress on 3 Barns, here are the "naked" star blocks.

And here they are all dressed up.

Everything is going together very smoothly, my pieced hsts are creating nice points and fitting perfectly along the sides.  So far this has been a very easy and fun project to work on.  I'm loving the yellow.

The Thelma Bundle from the Fat Quarter Shop arrived on my doorstep on Friday.  For some reason, it takes forever for anything to find its way to my house. Estimates are usually off by a day or two.  I think since I live out of town, it takes an extra day for the local post office to get packages to the rural drivers.

I'm very happy with all the reds.  One piece is a little more pink than red, but I think it will be a nice pop of color with all the other reds.

Over the weekend I just let the bundle sit in my sewing room but today I plan to start cutting and making a few things using all that fabric.

I had 3 goals when I selected my bundle; first, I wanted the bundle to be able to make something all on its own, without having to add any other fabric from someone's stash, secondly, I wanted the group to be a nice addition for someone who has a red stash, and finally, I wanted someone who didn't usually include red in their quilts to be tempted to give it a try.  I think this bundle meets my expectations.

I'll be sharing how I use this bundle this week, so it looks like we're in for another red week.  If you have any plans for this bundle or have made something already please drop me a line.

Kimberly at the Fat Quarter Shop generously donated the bundle for my giveaway.  I enjoyed reading every comment you left.  I almost always read all my comments while on my exercise bike, but that normally only takes 5 minutes, I have enjoyed two entire workouts reading red comments.  I loved all the stories.  Some favorite red items were of sentimental value, like rockers, sleds and jewelry.  I'm with the folks who mentioned how wearing a certain red sweater, coat, shoes or carrying a red purse can just make a day.  The comment left the most often, red ripe summer tomatoes.  I do not drive a red car, but several of you do.  My last two cars have been gray!  I did get ideas for two new red items, I want a red  camera and a red toaster!  The toaster is on my list for Mothers Day.

A few of the comments had questions, I'll get back to you this week.

The winner of the Fat Quarter Shop Red Bundle is Vicki S whose comment was

"My favorite red thing would have to be the single red rose I get for Valentine's Day and for my anniversary. My husband's been doing it for 33 years. Of course, that bundle would round out the reds I've been collecting for a quilt. Then that would be my favorite red thing. "

Vicki S, please send me an email with your mailing address so the great gals at the Fat Quarter Shop can get your bundle of reds in the mail to you.

Thanks to all who left comments.


  1. This is very pretty. Love the design.

  2. glad your happy with your bundle! nothing better then reds :)

  3. Wow those hsts really dress up the blocks very nicely. It looks lovely. It also looks like a lot of work. How many hours do you spend in your sewing room? I would take me a month just to do the cutting of a quilt like that. How do you manage all that cutting? Just curious.
    Congrats Vicki.

  4. Well...congrats to Vicki and bet she is happy with them. Now, I have to say those 3 barn blocks just poped with the added sashing around the block and love the warm feeling with them. I just might have to get this pattern and give it a try.....Thanks Thelma!

  5. it really IS a lovely bundle - and i'm happy to see a bit of red's weak, sorry cousin in there ... go pink!

    we are shopping for a new toaster and Auntia keeps showing me red ones - i think you might be contagious, Thelma...

  6. Do the HSTs ever dress up the blocks. Wow!

  7. your reds are truly in a bundle~ as the designer you must've gotten the royal treatment! i've NEVER seen a bundle from come like your's did. and, i've ordered MANY! mine came "flat folded", layered in a stack, off-set by about a 1/2" each, and then folded and sealed in a plastic, size-appropriate zip-lock plastic bag. can you imagine/do you know what i'm trying to describe? wish i could show you a picture... if you've ever gotten a fat quarter bundle from their shop, you know exactly what i'm trying to describe. i LOVE the bundle!! you did a super job of choosing fabrics.

    will you tell us one day on your blog your experience of choosing the fabrics? did you go to texas in person? were you wined & dined for the celebrity that you are?? did you have to make your decisions online(impossible, i'd think...) would love to read the story!!!

    i think i'm going to make 3 Barns with my thelma bundle....wouldn't that be simply perfect??!!!?

  8. The Barns are looking great. Have fun playing in your pile of RED.

  9. I am glad you got your bundle... the barns are really looking good. Your piecing is so accurate.. makes me envious.

  10. I like the edging around the really makes them pop. I know you will have a creative time with your red pile, XOXO

  11. Yay Vicki S!!!!!!!!
    I love the blocks "dressed up!"

  12. Three Barns is looking great. I like that yellow also. Have to wait until next payday but your FQ bundle is on my list next. So I should be getting mine soon.

  13. How fun would be to sew all that red on that cute red featherweight? Congratulations to Vicki, I know she will enjoy the bundle - almost too pretty to untie.
    3 Barns is really styling!

  14. Oh that is turning out beautiful. Reds always were the first ones to go when I had the shoppe. Seems like everyone can't get enough of them.

  15. I just absolutely love your 3 Barns quilt! Your red bundle is gorgeous too!


I try to respond to all my comments but sometimes I just don't get the job done. Please know that I am reading your comments and appreciate you taking the time to add a little of yourself to my blog.