Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blogger Girl BOM - Month Five

What's more surprising to you, that it is May 1st (HAPPY MAY DAY!) or that we only have one more  month of Monique's Blogger Girl Sew Along?  I think I'm more surprised it's May, it sure doesn't feel like May weather wise.

I love this month's blocks, my favorite so far, and yes, I know I say that every month.

Blocks so nice

I made them twice!

I decided I needed a few more blocks for my project so I doubled up on this month's design, it's my favorite.  I think I would love a whole quilt made of nothing but these blocks.  Just in case you've forgotten, my fabric is Hometown by Sweetwater for Moda.

Have you checked out our Flickr page lately, there are some amazing blocks being shared.  If you've not added your blocks to our Flickr page please do so, I love looking at all the different versions.

Here are few more bloggers with blocks to share, plenty of inspiration, yours for the taking.

Sherri from A Quilting Life -
Lissa from Moda  Lissa  -
Denise from Quilter’s  Window -
Nicole from Sister’s Choice  -
Lisa from Stashmaster -

Check out Monique's blog for the directions.

It's also Parade day for Sherri and Sinta's Schnibbles Sew Along, we've gone too long without a Schnibbles Parade, I can hardly wait to see everyone's Hat Tricks.


  1. I have always loved that block! Have you seen the pattern, "Stars Over Fort Sumter" by Paula Barnes? Several years ago I brought fabric to make it, but it just hasn't happened yet.

  2. Your block came out really good Thelma. Doing twice is a great idea for making the top larger and so far you picked the one I like best... so far. I will have to get going as I am a little behind. Good having you back...

  3. Happy May Day! Every month, it's the same thing - these are my favorites! You write it ,,, the others write it ... I think it. And every month , it's true until I go back and look at the other blocks, then I can't decide. They're all beautiful... but next months will be my favorite. I'm sure of it. ;-)

  4. Love the sweet soft colors of your blocks although the red one does pop :)

  5. Very pretty indeed! I think my favourite of your four is the one with the yellow stars. Such a soft pretty yellow. Just have to mention too, that I saw your Hat Trick on the parade yesterday. I had sent mine in, but I think it got lost in the traffic and only showed up today...don't you hate being late for a

  6. Hi, I have not tried quilting yet but the more I view all your wonderful fabrics and quilted pieces, the more I want to give it a try :-) wonderful blog! Jennifer


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