Saturday, January 16, 2010

And The Winner is . . . . .

Congratulations Cathy! Cathy of Quilting on Main Street is the lucky winner of the "Let It Snow" pattern by Farmhouse Threads.

Thanks to all who stopped by and left a comment.

I let my husband pick a number between 1 and 27 and he chose number 18, Peyton Manning's jersey number!

Speaking of winners......



  1. Oh I feel bad now..I have to cheer against your team or I may end up divorced ;)
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Thank you, I am so happy to win! Funny though, I don't follow pro football (that would use up valuable quilting time) and Peyton Manning is about the only player I've heard of.

  3. Congratulations to you Cathy...what a fun pattern. Enjoy! Thelma, Cooper is just too cute! Give him a scratch for me will ya? LOL

  4. congrats to Cathy!
    now I can't wait to see hers!

  5. dagnabit - if only your husband was a Broncos fan ... and liked Eddie Royal ... then i would have had a chance - ha ha ha!

  6. Congratulations to Cathy!!! What a fun way to pick the winner! So far all my teams have won this weekend. Don't know what I'm going to do next Sunday when Brett Favre plays the Saints. Cooper looks good in Colts Blue.


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