Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vanilla Stars . . . .

Right in the middle of the holiday hubbub, I got a quilt back from the quilter. This is the first chance I've had to blog about it.

The pattern is called "Vanilla Stars" and is by The Pattern Basket.

I made this quilt exactly as called for in the directions, very unusual for me.

This top was a kit, I swapped out all the "vanillas", didn't use 2 of the kitted fabrics, and added 6 of my own.

I finished this quilt way back in April, it was supposed to get quilted in June, but I sent Quilt # 44 instead, to have it for July. Then when that quilt's turn came up, I sent Gobble Gobble, so I would have it for Thanksgiving. So this quilt has been patiently waiting its turn.

This is quilt # 43, it measures 66" X 86", and is currently living here, in my living room. This room needed a little something after taking down the Christmas decorations, perfect timing.


  1. What a great, great quilt! It looks very happy on your chair in your living room. Love it!

  2. Love it. The colors are so vibrant and rich. On top of that... it has stars? Love it!!

  3. Nice that it finally made it home all prettied up. It's a great way to have the stars in the sashing. Surprisingly easy.

  4. Beautiful, Thelma! I've pulled that pattern out of the pattern box numerous times but have yet to make it. May be something to do next month - this month is full. :-)

  5. That is a great variation of the pattern I used for my family Christmas quilt. I may have to make that one sometime as well!

  6. The quilt is beautiful! I love it on the chair with all the rich colors.

  7. I love that quilt. In fact, looking at your beautiful quilt reminds me that I have that kit - lol. It isn't finished but maybe that will be one of the ones I try and finish this year. All your quilts are gorgeous.

  8. It's beautiul! Love the stars in the pattern. You followed the directions in the pattern, but I noticed you swapped out some of the fabrics ;-))) Good for you. It looks great on your red chair.


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