Thursday, July 28, 2011

The House that Thelma Built . . . . .

So here are a few of the "house" quilts from the Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts show.

I've noticed online that this block has two names, sometimes this block is called "Little Red Schoolhouse" and sometimes "The House that Jack Built".

This is quilt #755 and was hung in Pavilion 5, Exterior Middle. I'm guessing these are more houses that Jack built since they're surrounding a church, like a a little red house town.

This is quilt #1012, and was hung in Pavilion 8. Another little red house town surrounding a church.

This was my favorite house quilt.

I like the fence and how that one row of houses are upside down.

This was the inspiration for my little quilt.

My houses are 4 1/2 inches, and even though they were pesky, I love them. I would love a whole quilt of these houses but not houses that are only 4 1/2 inches, I would want to build bigger houses for a full size quilt.

My version is 21" x 39" and has 450 pieces.

For the whole project I'm now up to 2,090 pieces. I think I'm over the half way point.

Next up, a few of these.

Do you know what these quasi four patch blocks make?

This rickrack design! Did you know that? At least that's how I think I make this pattern, that's what I"m going with, stop back by to see how it all works out!


  1. Thelma your little house quilt is wonderful...oh and I'm going to love that zigzag!

  2. Fun seeing progress on your red and white quilt -- the houses are wonderful!

  3. Glad your back......Still loving the red and white. Perhaps these were special quilts for Church Minister or??? Love the churches too. I am in awe of your talent at all the little pieces. Can't wait to see the final outcome. Prizeworthy I am sure! G

  4. Your houses are adorable! I am starting to worry about how all your little quilts are going to come you have a plan?!?

  5. I love following along on your red & white journey.all the blocks look great!

  6. Love those little houses! The red and white quilt is going to be spectacular!

  7. Oh Thelma your houses are just PERFECT! This quilt is going to be AMAZING ! It has been so much fun watching your progress.

  8. Your tribute quilt is so terrific. So much fun and so interesting to see your process. Red and white never looked better!
    Debbie R.

  9. These quilts are gorgeous! I love red and white, and the school house pattern is perfect for red and white :-)

  10. Thelma, you have been busy! I love seeing your newest creation in red and white. It is just beautiful! I am on pins and needles to see what you are doing with the zig zag!!!

  11. Those houses must be tiny! (Lots of pieces in this mini)

  12. 2,000 pieces! Oh my! I would have lost my mind by the first 1,000! I can't wait to see it finished.

  13. Thelma, your tiny little houses came out beautifully. I am looking forward to the next installment of your R&W quilt reveal.

  14. Your little houses are so cute! I can't wait to see how you put all the red and white together.

  15. Quilt # 755 which is the first house quilt in this post.....I wonder why there are two house parts sort of floating by the church spire. This quilt intrigues me very much. There must be a story to be told.


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