Friday, March 11, 2011

Celebrate Good Times - Come On . . . .

How about a little Kool and the Gang (does that date me or what!) to start off your day.

We're celebrating today.......

Two Things

First, I haven't had a Coke in a year! I haven't had any pop in a year, I'm off pop. (do you say soda, soft drink, soda pop, carbonated beverage...I say pop)
I'm not anti-pop, you can drink all the pop you want, it's OK with me, I'm just at the age where I figured drinking pop was no longer good for me, and when it got to the point that I was craving my daily Coke at 10:30 am, I figured it was time to just give it up. So I did, and it wasn't easy at first, but I don't think twice about it now. The other day, when I was on an airplane, and was asked if I wanted a drink, I almost said, "yes, ginger ale please". That used to be my special treat when I flew. Then I remembered , I don't drink pop, so I passed on the drink offer. So now I can say I've not had any pop for a year, not at home, not on a plane, not even with my pizza.

The next thing we're celebrating ...... this is my 250th post on my blog!!

I started my blog 18 months ago, and in that time I've finished 19 quilts (and started a few that I'll never finish). Of those 19, I would have never made 12 of them if I didn't have a blog or read your blogs. What a huge influence blogging has had on my quilting.

The comment I've gotten most often over the last 18 months is, "More Cooper Pics".

It's always from my daughter, I appreciate any constructive feedback I can get, so Ashley, this is for you. Cooper and I are playing frisbee indoors these days, the yard is just too wet and the temperature too cold!

My favorite quilt that I've made in the last 18 months, the post that has gotten the most hits over the last 18 months (non giveaway post), and the quilt that has generated the most emails for more information are all the same....
Madeline's Good Fortune

I've finally added my best guesstimate as to the fabric requirements for this project to this post and added a link on my right sidebar. I've sent this information out more times than I can count.

My second most popular post is A la Mode! You've got good taste, that's also one of my favorite quilts.

I thought I would add my "stinker" quilt to this post, Mocha Trail, but when I went back and looked at the picture, I decided I liked it! And when I blogged about finishing that quilt, you all loved it, you were right, I should have listened, I guess it was like fine wine, it needed to age. I need to get that quilt to the quilter!! 19 finishes and no stinkers! That's something to celebrate!

I've posted pictures of my sewing room over the last 18 months, but after 249 posts, I figured we were close enough for me to now show you my sewing room closet. (I removed the doors for this picture and can't figure out how to get them back on.....)

I file my patterns in those binders (bottom shelf), which I've blogged about before. There's nothing in that red and white polka dot hat box, but I just love it so I keep it.

The plastic bins and containers hold projects and kits.

The pink crate like containers hold families of fabric.

So here's my stash. The fabric folded and setting on the shelves is my yardage, 1/2 yard or larger cuts, from all sorts of families, sorted by color. I also have a civil war repo stack of fabric and two French General stacks. The French General fabric is sorted by family then by color. (bottom shelf, right)

There are batiks in the bin on the floor on the right, and Fig Tree and Kansas Troubles fabric in the two bins on the floor on the left.

This helps me fold my yardage,

this is the width of my shelves. I've found that if I fold the fabric as it comes in the door, it's not such a big job.

I have two bins of fat quarters,

they're hiding, middle shelf far left.

I've been sewing over 7 years now so I've accumulated a fairly good quantity of fabric and kits for me, I tend to really over think my fabric purchases, resulting in very few! Plus I don't have easy access to a local quilt shop. It's hard to make impulse purchases when you're not in a store.

The drawer units on the floor are great and I think help me keep my sewing room neat and orderly. The black unit on the left stores scraps or pieces of fabric that are smaller than a fat quarter.

Top drawer colors, middle drawer lights, bottom drawer reds. I go to these drawers first when I start a new project.

The first drawer of the unit on the right holds my rulers and templates.

I just love anything that claims to make my quilt making more accurate or faster and easier.

This is the bottom drawer, my French General scraps.....

my goal is to use each little bit of that fabric!

Most of the folks that were the first to comment on my blog still stop by, along with a host of new ones. I've lost track of some folks and others have quit blogging. That's just life I guess, folks moving in and out of it for no particular reason.

When I think of how much I would still like to learn about blogging (like how to create those great collage/montage pictures) I also remember how much I've already learned. It took me two months to figure out that my comments could go directly to my email inbasket. I actually copied and pasted each one of my first comments into an email and kept each address in an address book, a paper address book, not one online!! I also have to admit I'm still amazed when my posts actually show up on my blog.

The hardest part about blogging for me is responding to my comments. Well not the actual responding, I love that part, it's the ones that I don't respond to that bother me. I still feel the need to respond to each comment. I enjoy your comments, read each comment and make a point of answering your questions but some days I don't get to them all. Sooner or later I'm just going to have to admit that I can't get to every comment and that's OK.... I hope that's OK with you.

So in a nutshell I would have to say blogging has been nothing but one of the best experiences of my life and has made me a better quilter, expanded my list of friends, and is usually the highlight of my day. I enjoy reading what you're doing as much as I enjoy sharing what I'm up to. Thanks so much for stopping by, sharing your thoughts and experiences, and adding so much to my blog.

What's a celebration without a giveaway . . . .

The giveaway is now closed, thanks for stopping by!

To be eligible to win leave a comment with something you've been wanting to do but haven't because you thought it would be too hard, or something you surprised yourself by accomplishing and are now proud of. Also let me know which prize you would prefer to win,

1. French General's Reine des Abeilles quilt kit.

You get the pattern, fabric (Maison de Garance) , kit bag with numbered label, and a label for the finished quilt.

2. Fat quarter bundle of Glace by 3 Sisters for Moda,

with some additional holly yardage.

3. Fat Quarter bundle of Park Avenue by 3 Sisters for Moda,

with some border fabric.

Contest ends noon, Central Standard Time, Sunday March 13th, winner to be announced Monday, March 14th.

Now on to the next 250.


  1. Happy anniversary Thelma, and thank you very much for every new post on your blog. I am a big fan, you are a prolific quilter, and your blog is full of ideas & inspiration. I agree with you about the joy of blogging (2 yrs for me).
    What I wanted to do is wool applique like Sue Spargo's work.
    My favorite is Reine des abeilles, of course....
    Hugs from France.

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary, I shy away from making a lot of flying geese. I would love to make a quilt with a flying geese border. Love the fat quarter collection of Glace. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Wow, Thelma, Congratulations! I've only been following your blog for a month or two and recently was inspired to start my own! I loved you comment about getting Ginger Ale on the plane! That is always my treat, too. And kudos for giving up soda, as well. I'm trying to wean off my one Diet Coke a day, as well.

    I guess the quilt project that I'd like to take on would be to make a quilt in the Hawaiian style. I moved here to the islands nearly 2 years ago. I'm not afraid of the work--it is just that I'd like to make my own design, as that is the tradition here. I don't want to make someone else's quilt.

    If I'm chosen for a prize, I would like any, but probably the first. I don't own any French General, aren't I deprived?

    Congratulations again. JoAnne

  4. Happy Blogiversary! I have yet to give into blogging, but my 2 hours alone in the morning is when I wander thru blogland checking out the pretties! I LOVE your fabric stash, and the way you have it arranged. I used to be just a 1 yard please buyer, but since reading blogs I've moved onto fat quarters, fat eighths, and all the other wonderful cuts of fabric. Your quilts are beautiful!

    I just love the Glace prints, would love to win that one :) Thanks for the chance.

  5. Happy Blogiversary! That is quite an accomplishment, I can only hope to make is so far! And btw, I absolutely love ur Madeline's Good Fortune Quilt! I think that was the first thing that caught my eye the first time that I found your blog! I'm still new, so there are many things that I still want to try, but I think applique is the one that I dearly want to try, but am intimidated by! That and becoming better on the quilting end of it. Lol... I think I like the Glace grouping the best. Again, congrats!

  6. What a fantastic post Thelma...Happy 250 posts and here's to 250 more! I always love Cooper pictures, what a personality in that face! A huge congratulations on being soda free for a year. I gave up Diet Cokes almost a month ago...that was a tough one...but drinking lots more water, and feeling really good. Again, Happy Blogiversary and looking forward to lots more posts!

  7. Congratulations, Thelma! I enjoy your blog very much - your style of writing is great and I learn a lot from you. Because of you and Nicole I am more and more drawn to Carrie Nelsons patterns. :-) Your sewing room closet is wonderfully organized. I am a beginning quilter and don't have a large stash yet, so I will keep your system in mind for the future.
    The Park Avenue bundle is wonderful, I would love to win them! (And would pay for the shipping costs. (-;)

  8. Aw, Thelma, you are such a good egg. I still remember the little treats you put in with the fabric strips we traded for the red and white snowball quilt. And now this generous giveaway - you are much too much goodness! Congratulations on your 250th blog post - that is a real milestone! Your posts are always so interesting and it's a treat to follow along as you complete each of your fabulous quilts. And you are so tidy and organized - I would drop dead of shame if you ever had a look at my sewing area! For myself, I have to rank applique as the thing I would like to do but have been avoiding because it seems too hard. I know it's not - and your recent foray into applique has been an inspiration, so wish me luck! If I won your fabulous giveaway, I would love either the Park Ave or the Reine des Abeilles, since I think Glace is a Christmas fabric line and we don't celebrate.

  9. Isn't it funny how we end up liking something we used to hate? I'm almost finished with one of those quilts right now. It's at my long-armer's, and then I will bind it and free-motion write family names around the edges and ship it to Dad, who's been patiently waiting since finding out about it at Christmas.

    What a fun giveaway!! Thank you for offering it. I have a really neat quilt that has been at a standstill for at least 2 years because I have been intimidated by the difficulty of getting the stained-glass leading finished and not knowing how to do quilt-as-you-go without sashing all over on the front. Well, I solved the second problem by taking a class at our guild's retreat last week, and the first - I just need to suck it up and mosey through the leading. :D One day I will love that quilt!

  10. Congratulations on no pop (you're much stronger than I am I could never give up soda and iced tea) and also for your 250th post! I love seeing your closet. I'm always fascinated by stashes big and small. Yours is super organized. I think my hubby wishes I could organize my stash like yours. I would love to learn Spanish but I know it would be too hard for me. I barely made the grades in high school learning German. But my husband's family speaks Spanish and I want to know if they're talking about me. All your prizes are great but I love the glacé since I had just started quilting when it came out and I passed on it and now kinda regret it! Congrats on your accomplishments!

  11. Happy Anniversary to you!

    I love reading your blog, even though I don't comment very often. You're having a giveaway? Awesome!

    I believe you said tell something we've been afraid to do...well, I have wanted to start quilting for some time now, but I'm afraid it will be too hard. With all the beautiful quilts I see I think, I can do that, but then when I really stop and think about it, I get scared to even try. I'm sure that if I knew what I was doing and knew how to pick out fabric and such I would just do it, but I'm chicken!

    Good luck on the other quilts you have planned.

  12. Thelma, I hope you keep blogging for a long time to come. I do so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your quilts.

  13. Happy post-a-versary! I've loved your blog every second that I've been on it. Something that I've been afraid to do...well...I've been afraid to make a quilt that has fabric that doesn't come from the same collection! Crazy, huh! This is my year though...I can feel it ;)

  14. Wow, what an awesome feat to give up soda. I would like to do that myself. And your stash closet is so neat and tidy, very inspiring.
    Gratz on your 250 posts. I have been blogging three years myself and don't even have 200 yet. So 250 in 18 months is awesome.

  15. Happy Anniversary! You are such an awesome quilter...having such an awesome giveaway!

    I've been afraid to try applique for fear I couldn't do it. But it is on my agenda and I will do it this year!

    I so enjoy seeing your quilts. They are an inspiration. Thanks!

  16. Congratulations on your 250th post! I have only been reading your blog for a couple months, but love your updates and your style of quilting. I definitely could take some lessons from your neat storage! I'm working on it, but...One thing I want to do is make a quilt big enough for our queen-size bed. I have always tended to work on smaller projects - nothing bigger than "nap-size", as my son calls a really big lap quilt.
    I've never bought any French General - would love to give it a try - but any of the lovely fabrics you are giving away would be a treasure!

    Grew up calling it "pop" - nobody out here knows what that is - never drink the stuff! Too much fizz!

  17. I want to excerise 30 minutes a day-- and not give up quilting!!! even though I have a full time job outside the home, Husband, High- maintenance pets, a house to clean....I think I can...I think I can... I think I can..... It would be good for my weight, my heart, my attitude--- I just want it all.

  18. Thelma - your blog is an inspiration. I so appreciate you sharing both the good and the bad. You make me feel like I can achieve but that it is also alright to have problems along the way, that I'm not the only one. I so appreciate all the time that you put into writing and taking your photos - I can only imagine. And your discipline in life (such as no pop, training for a marathon, your organization), leave me in awe. As I read I wish you lived next door!!! I start each day with a devotional newsletter and your blog - you help set the tone of my day. No need for a prize - you give so much every time you write. Again, thank you so much for sharing yourself. Pam

  19. I just "found" you a month or so ago, and I'm hooked! LOL (That lattice border on the baskets was so very cool!) I've been blogging about a year, and I'm with you. It connects in just the neatest way, and what I've learned and been inspired to do!!! My ultimate feat as a quilter is a Baltimore Album! I'm receiving blocks of the month for Sue Garman's Friends of Baltimore. When I'm ready it will be here!!
    LOVE, LOVE your organization of your sewing room! Half my room is out in the hall; I'm try to re-organizes, and those drawers beneath the shelves are an idea I just may have to steal!!! LOL
    Mary Lou
    (Pepsi-free since January! :-D)

  20. Congratulations on your blog! I follow it your blog daily and have learned a lot from you. I'm afraid to start my own blog, not sure I could figure out how to do it, and the time that it takes to maintain it, and make it worth someone actually following it! Park Avenue bundle would be for me! Thanks for the chance.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Happy Blogiversary! Your blog is truly inspirational. One thing I am completely intimidated by is applique. Seems like alot of work and it may look twisted/wrinkly when I'm done. I'll have to try a small sample soon. Glace bundle would be my choice.

  23. Congratulations Thelma, I really do love my visits to your blog. You have really inspired me with your quilting and posts. The thing that I want to start doing is integrating 2 or more patterns into one quilt or even jumping into designing my own patterns.
    I used all my self control and did not order any Park Avenue and I'd sure love to win that, and if not that then Maison De Garance would certainly make me sing :)
    Thank you so much for sharing your quilting journey with us :)

  24. I learned so much more about you today, Thelma! Cool post and very generous! Congrats!!! I would like to run a 10K this year. I ran my first 5K last year! That was huge for me. I'm not a runner, never have been. I've actually always been almost scared to run. My goal is to start running again as soon as the weather gets a little nicer and run a 10K this summer! Thanks for the friendship! :-) Your blog has been such an inspiration for me!! Of course, Cooper pics are always welcome!!

  25. Congratulations on 250 posts! I love to read your blog. Madeline's Good Fortune really inspired me as well as A la Mode. I have both of them on my to do list. Thanks for inspiring me!
    Giving up soda is an accomplishment. It is something I need to do. I really love my daily diet Pepsi though I know it is not good for me. I also hope to start walking daily when the weather here gets better.
    All of the give away items are just lovely. I think I would choose French General's Reine des Abeilles quilt kit or Fat quarter bundle of Glace by 3 Sisters for Moda. A lovely quilt kit or fabric to make a Christmas quilt. So hard to choose.
    Thanks for a look in your closet. I'll have to look for pictures of your sewing room.

  26. What a heartfelt post about blogging (and I planned on commenting before I read about your wonderful giveaway!). I always love to read about what you're doing. What a great medium this has become for those of us who create alone at home. I've surprised myself with how easy machine quilting has become for me. I still struggle with what design to use, but I think I've got the technique down after many years. Hard to chose! Maison De Garance.

  27. First of all--you have a ridiculously organized stash--something to be super proud of:) Second--great post about blogging. I am still amazed at all the people that stop by my blog and comment and also how much blogging has become part of my life that I really enjoy. All the wonderful quilters out there; it's like a big happy blogland quilt guild. Third, congrats on the blogiversary and here's to many many more posts and projects. Fourth, I am still amazed whenever I tackle a complicated home repair project (like plumbing) and I don't have to call a professional. Lastly, I am such a huge fan of French General that I will keep fingers and toes crossed that I win the FG kit. Happy weekend to you :)

  28. Congratulations on 250 post and the no coke! I have only been following a short time but I love your blog and look forward to each post. I always have the fear of starting a new quilt. Always afraid what I think will look nice will not be appealing to the next person.... I would love the Park Avenue bundle. I would love a chance at creating something with it. :)

    Here's to the next 250 post!
    Debbie K

  29. Thelma,
    Happy 250! I have read your blog from the very beginning! You are so inspirational and I still think you sew in your sleep :)
    I wish I was half as organized as you!
    I have my Diet Coke every morming ... I don't drink coffee!
    Your blog is one of the first I look at when I see your post updated.
    If I won I would love the Glace ... is is beautiful!
    Thank you for being such a great blogging friend :)

  30. Congratulations Thelma!! Not only on the 250 posts, but on giving up soda!!! Yay! I did the same thing a year ago November. I loved my Coke, but it was not good for me. I lost 10 lbs right away. I love how you have organized your stash. It looks great! Thank you for such a generous giveaway. I think any one of them would be a terrific prize.

  31. Happy Blog Birthday! I always enjoy your blog. You have inspired me with going a year without pop. That is also one of my goals, but I haven't taken the plunge yet. My reasons are the same as yours - it's probably really not healthy and I could treat my body better, especially as it gets older!

    One of my goals, although it's not quilting related, is to have a really well-trained dog. I lost my dog in December, and am looking for a new one. I'd really like to take some classes and do something like agility with my new dog. I don't know if I have what it takes to do it, though! I've always had a dog, but I have to admit they've only been reasonably trained - housebroken, will sit, stay, etc. I want to go way beyond that this time.

    Thanks for the giveaway. Your sewing room is very neat and organized - you've inspired me in a lot of ways today!

  32. Congratulations, Thelma on your blog anniversary... 250 posts! What an accomplishment! I am inspired by your creativity, and I am so impressed by your organization. I hope one day to be as together as you are. My something hard that I'm learning right now? I'm trying to FINISH my quilt projects! Of course, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't love to win another one, and hope to get the French General kit! How generous of you, thank you for the chance!

  33. Congratulations on your 250 posts! Thanks for the opportunity to win. If chosen, I'd pick the French General kit. My friends & I decided to do a pickle quilt. Mine is pretty ugly because of my color choices, but it gave me a sense of accomplishment to have tried something different like that.

  34. congrats on 250! I haven't been on your blog the whole time, but I've been reading for a few months and really enjoy it.

    Something I thought I'd never do is return to highland dancing. I stopped at age 12 and returne 14 years later and am now back competing and have taken and passed my teacher's certification. It's taken a lot of hard work, but that is something I'm very proud of!

    and way to go on the no pop for a year - I've cut it out except for the occasional cup here or there and feel so much better for having done so!

    oh, and my prize choice would be Glace - I missed that line when it came out and even though it's not my usual taste, I think it's just beautiful!

  35. Congratulations Thelma, I have been reading your post for about a year and feel I know you! You have inspired me to move forward on this quilting adventure. I have only completed 7 quilts so far so almost every project I pick up scares me to death!! I have finally begun my Eventide and hope to have pics on Tues. The book arrived from the Fat Quarter Shop. Thank you, thank you. The fabric in your give away in celebrateion is beautiful and so generous. I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

  36. First, I say POP too. You must have grown up or live in the midwest; I think that is the origin of "pop."

    Second, there is no need to put the doors back on your closet when it looks so pretty just as it is! You have quilted just about as long as I have, and our stash size just about matches up. *S*

    Third, those are such great giveaway items. Park Avenue would be my choice, I think. But I wouldn't turn down any of them, really.

    Thx for the lovely, upbeat post. It's a good way to start my day.

  37. Congratulations on your 250th blog post! I have only been reading your blog for a short time, but I am truly inspired by your creativity. I have several quilt tops that need borders and quilted, of course, so that is my goal for the next few months. Thank you for the opportunity to win the Glace fat quarters...they are one of my favorites!

  38. Great blog post Thelma! First...if I gave up Diet Coke, I'd be drinking a lot more beer, and that probably wouldn't be a good idea! LOL
    Secondly...congratulations on your blogiversary...I sure have enjoyed visiting your blog and appreciate all your efforts in blog writing and in quilting.
    Thirdly, you are WAY too neat and tidy and I am even more mortified by my mess, which I could never show anyone!
    Lastly, what a generous! I have never seen any of those gifts so would love to win any one of them. The hardest thing for me?? A lone star quilt with all those bias edges...maybe some day!

  39. Wow Thelma, what a great give away! I finished a Hunter's Star quilt. I always thought they were hard but took a class from Deb Tucker using her ruler and it was easy-peasy! So much so that I taught 6 classes at my LQS. I love reading your blog and use your blog roll. I like that it tells the last update. Wish everyone would do that. Congtratulations on 250 posts. I discovered you during the red snowball quilt along.

  40. I learned hand applique last year by making a Baltimore Album quilt. I took a year long class. I had so much fun and learned soooo much!
    I would love the first item, the kit.
    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on giving up pop!

  41. I try to challenge myself with each new quilt. Something I thought I would never do is English paper piecing. But here I am getting ready to start Pies & Tarts by Sue Daley. I hope I survive it because failure is NOT an option. Keep your fingers crossed.

  42. wow!! 250 blogs. i can't imagine having enough to say for two blogs!! i do enjoy reading yours - you always have something interesting going on. and i totally understand about having trouble getting doors back onto the closet - i have folding doors on some closets and when i take them off to paint, it takes forever to get them back on. a project i would like to undertake? crazy quilting. one of these days....and which item would i like to win if i have a choice would be the fat quarter bundle of glace. i can always use another small christmas quilt or table topper.....

  43. Happy Blogiversary! Blog friends are great! I love how you can reach out into such a wide community of people with the same interests with you.

    And they do encourage you. And they make you laugh. And it is a blessing!

    Thanks for sharing you quilt news and pictures of Cooper!

  44. Congratulations Thelma. I love your blog! I don't do "pop" either. Once in a while, I really miss a diet Coke but as a whole I think I made a good decision for me. So your celebration give-a-way is wonderful. I would love to do the French General Reine des Aberilles quilt. My project that I would love to do but haven't is actually to work with hexagons. Maybe a Grandmother's garden but I think this quilt kit would totally satisfy my needs. Thank you so much for everything you do on your blog. It is inspiring.

  45. Congratulations!!! On your 250th post, your pop-free year and your marathon!! I love your is the first thing I look at every morning. Your quilts are beautiful and Cooper is adorable. It's funny that you asked what we fear because I'm getting ready to conquer that fear this morning. I was invited a year ago to join a Beth Moore Bible study, but declined thinking it would be too hard. ( her Bible Studies make you dig deep!!) but I was invited again this year and go to my first meeting in about an hour. And his year I am really looking forward to it. On a quilting note, I want to try appliqué. I love the look but it also looks intimidating. I love that you're trying it. As for the give-away, I would choose Park Avenue. Thank you Thelma for all you do!!

  46. HI Thelma!
    I am in the midst of re-arranging my sewing room. I have a lot in there and I put it off forever as I just didn't want to deal with it. I know I will be a lot happier in there when it's done (by the way it's only 9'x9'). Next will be our bedroom.
    Great giveaway! Thanks. I really enjoy your blog.

  47. Congratulations Friend, on your 250 posts! I can't imagine the world of quilting blogs without you! And your organization skills are way above the norm. You need to hire yourself out: Thelma, Stash Organizer Extraordinare!

  48. I am a more recent follower and am certainly enjoying your blog. Happy 250 posts...I look forward to many more...

    I love that French General's Reine des Abeilles quilt kit and would love to own it...

  49. Happy 250! That's quite an achievement, especially as you do such nice posts! And congrats on all the wonderful quilts you've made in those posts too! I would say your sewing room is too clean, but you get so much done, I guess I better organize my room better. I've always been afraid of applique, but now I'm doing, and enjoying it. I also plan to make some curvy circular type quilts soon (something else I've feared). I would choose No. 1, Maison de Garance, --it's beautiful and something else (hexagons) that I've always put off doing, but would like to try. Also, I've never worked in those colors at all, and would like to give them a try. Thanks for having a giveaway--gives a girl something to dream about!

  50. Congratulations! Your quilts are such an inspiration to me and make me want to expand my horizons and think outside the box. Something I've been afraid to for a number of years now is put the continuous bias vine on my Moon & Stars quilt. I started to a couple of years ago, didn't get far at all, got scared that I wasn't doing it right and put it all away. I would dearly love to finish that quilt, it's really bugging me that I have such quilter's block on this one! What fantastic giveaways - the French General Kit (ooh la la!), the FQ bundles, oh my, they are all wonderful!

  51. Wow, I wish my sewing room was as organized as yours--mine is total disaster & I cannot get motivated to get it organized.

    The one thing I've always wanted to do but keep putting off is a Baltimore Album quilt--I have all of Elly's books, lots of other inspiration and definitely fabric--just need to dive in.

    Love all your giveaways but would most love either the Reine des Abeilles or the Park Avenue.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  52. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! I really enjoy your posts - and am envious of your lifetime quilt list. You've made so many lovely quilts - and your stash is just way too neat!

    Any of the giveaways would be spectacular to win,


  53. Congratulations on 250 Thelma! I've enjoyed reading every post! Like you, I've found blogging to be a tremendous gift. I had no idea!

    Your closet is so very neat! I hope you figure out how to get the doors on soon. I'm pretty neat most of the time but could be better organized.

    I often wonder what Bailey is up to. I'm going to join your daughter in asking for Bailey updates every once in a while. I know he would appreciate more "air time".

    I haven't seen a quilt of yours that I didn't like so I think it's appropriate that you no label any of them a "stinker". I always enjoy your use of red. I find it hard to use certain colors - like blue and yellow. Do you struggle with that too or have you just accepted that you won't?

    Here's to 250 more!

  54. Happy Anniversary! I stopped drinking soda too (I call it soda) and had 1 the other day, and it tasted so sweet, I couldn't drink it. Cooper is adorable!

    I'm drooling over the Park Avenue fat quarters.

  55. Happy Blogaversary! I found your blog this summer and am a loyal follower now. Your blog is so inspiring and prolific. And fun! I love that you took the doors off and can't figure out how to put them back on. Too cute! This was a great post, I love the pics of your space. If I won, I would choose teh French General. I've never worked with thier fabric. But I've heard great things from you! Here's to another 250 fabulous posts and 19 more beautiful quilts!

    PS~I admire you for cutting the soda. That thought scares me, even though it floats around my head often.

  56. what?!? no purple yardage?!? or blue?!? or green?!?
    okay .. now that i am over the initial shock (not really - shocked, that is - i KNOW you and RED)...


    i want your Closet ... i want your Organizational Skills ... i want your Space to Create ... i want your Inability to Make an Ugly Quilt

    and now i shall return to the Great Pile of Stuff and try to whack it down a bit more ... and that is sumpin else i want - a machete-sized rotary cutter to hack my way through the fabric jungle - even as i covet that gorgeous bundle of Glace
    give Cooper a big hug for me! and good luck getting the doors back on the closet (mine stayed off for two years before i finally paid some guy to come in and wrestle them back into position) even though the contents are purtee enough to ponder

  57. Happy blog anniversary! Cooper is adorable! Love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!

    My I want very much to do it but cannot quite convince myself I can do it just yet is applique. This is my learn to do for 2011. Perhaps I should get started?

    Happy quilting!

  58. Wow, congratulations Thelma...How in the world did you do it? I just can't get away from it, though I was down to 1 cola a day for quite a while but then I just started in again. Now for something I'm proud of that I didn't think I could ever do...I'm teaching my hands to once again to some of the simple embroidery stitches needed for some of the really great stitchery quilts and quilt blocks that I have run on to. I thought I would never be able to stitch again, and I certainly can't do the lovely intricate work I used to do...but a back stitch, chain stitch and *TADA* hand blanket stitch for small applique's in the stitchery blocks work out pretty well. The stitches aren't as straight and pretty as they used to be but still, I'm stitching again! It gives me something to do while I recover from hubby just caught me out of bed so I guess I'm headed back where I am supposed to be. I just couldn't resist trying for this wonderful giveaway though. I got home from the hospital late afternoon day before yesterday so I guess DH is right. But thanks for your generous giveaway. OH...if I'm lucky enough to win, the Park Avenue FQB and border fabric by Three Sisters would be my first pick...BUT, I would love any of the wonderful prizes. Thanks again so much.

  59. Congratulations Thelma! Woo Hoo! Thanks for having this incredibly generous giveaway too! If I were lucky to win I would choose Park Avenue, but all your prizes are very sweet!! Being a pet lover too, your furry friend Cooper is adorable! Now onto something that I am proud for accomplishing and that would be learning to drive... next is to drive more on the highways!! Whew!

  60. I was busy working on my Neutral BOM block (that is due tomorrow morning - I work well under pressure) when my mom called me down to the computer to look at your closet. I love the polka dotted hat box. She pointed out all the organization (Very Impressive) and tidiness, and I asked, "Where's the green fabric?" (tee hee)
    And then she pointed out the green leaves on the Glace fabric. I think it would be happier living here with me.
    Happy 250th post! And congratulations! At the rate that I am posting, it will take me another four or five years to have that many.

  61. Congratulations on 250 posts! I love your blog because it is such eye candy and you do such a great job explaining your process and how you may have changed something while quilting. Seeing Cooper and your red couch aren't bad either. :-) Thanks for such a generous giveaway...I'd love any of them but the Reine des Abeilles quilt kit is my favorite. I can't get enough French General!

  62. I was the most proud when I finished both my big mysterie quilts. I have finished one 2 years ago in january and the other one I think last year. I would like to win 2 or 3

  63. Thelma,
    Congrats and happy celebrating!! What an accomplishment. For the first time ever I have attempted to quilt by machine.(standard) I have learned alot and know I need to learn lots more. Ilove piecing but have always hand quilted. But as I age I can't handquilt fast enough for all the quilts I want to make.LOL So I am teaching my self to machine quilt. Not as enjoyable to me as a hand quilter but much faster, so I will keep at it for a while. But I do have a Grandmother's flower garden in the big frame to sit and quilt at in my spare time........ best to you and great blogging. Oh and I love anything French as that is my heritage........

  64. My favorite quilting blogs also share stories about their dogs--Cooper, Sophie & Ozzie, Sophie & Skipper, Rosie...add a dog to the post and I'm most likely hooked! I suppose the most difficult thing for me about my overall quilting 'life' is actually showing my work to other people. I've been making quilts since 2003 but I'm still somewhat intimidated by guild show'n' tell sessions. Definitely something to work on! I would love to win the Glace fat quarter bundle! Thanks for the chance! Jan

  65. Congratulations on 250 posts! You are so neat and organized. I think I'm a pretty organized myself, but my space is not nearly as pretty as yours. Probably because I buy too much fabric! I've been wanting to make a king size quilt for our bed since I started quilting and have yet to do it. Making the top is not a problem, but quilting it is. I generally quilt all of my own tops and it's just so hard to do one that size. However, this is the year it's going to happen! If I should be so fortunate as to win, I'd love option #1.

  66. I have wanted to organize my sewing room so that my fabrics are more readily accessible by color and size, thinking I'd be more inspired to be creative and also to make better use of my stash. Every time I start I feel so overwhelmed at the "monumental task" that I move a few things and then give up. Following through is one of my goals this year!
    Heather in KY

  67. Hi Thelma-I found your blog through Nicole's blog and I so look forward to reading your blog. I don't have a blog yet, but yours has inspired me to start thinking about starting one. I feel like I've known you for a long time and I truly enjoy learning about your daily activities. Wish my stash was as organized as yours. I'm very impressed. Peggy in WA

  68. I enjoy your posts and reading about the quilts you have made
    I avoid applique. I have an unfinished quilt because I'm avoiding doing the applique needed to complete it!
    Chris x

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. CONGRATS ON 250!

  71. I have to say, as I do every time I post a comment here, that I LOVE all your quilts. Such perfection!

    Park Avenue! I am drooling about it! I'd love to have your stash too!

    I am very proud of my almost finished, totally from my stash quilt top, Ginger Belle. I really stuck to not buying anything for it (except the book, but I needed the pattern, right?) I even have a bolt I can use for the backing.

    Congratulations on post #250! Every one is so interesting and enjoyable.

  72. Thelma - I found you through Lisa D. (stashmaster) and have continued to read though I don't comment often. I had to today though. Congrats on your 250 posts. I really enjoy reading your blog. I gave up Coke in September 2009 and while I still miss it, I will not go back to drinking it. It's just far too much sugar and calories. I love your stash closet. So organized and beautiful. I wish my sewing space looked that great! =)

  73. Congratulations Thelma on your 250th post! I have been following your blog since last summer and you have been such a inspiration for me. Your sewing room is SO organized with everything in its place where it is easy to find. I just love it ! I dream of making a applique quilt one day. I would love a chance to win PARK AVE bundle and that gorgeous border fabric.

  74. Congratulations on 250 posts! I just love to stop by and check to see what your making. I'm having an issue with diamonds. I have the fabric and pattern but I just a little affaid to cut into it. One day I'll wack into it.

  75. Congratulations on inspiring us for 250 posts! And the coke too, being a coffee addict I know how hard it can be to cut back or quit! I check your blog first and also like many in your blog list. I keep thinking I should start blogging. That and sewing curves would be on my should try to do list. I love the French General's quilt kit, but Park Avenue is definitely a runner up!

  76. Yay for you! It has been so much fun visiting your blog. I must have found it about a year ago. I lurked anonymously for a while, but then decided that was silly and stopped that!
    Thanks for the giggle this morning. Taking the doors off and not being able to get them back on is something I would do! Your quilt is gorgeous and I loved seeing your organized sewing space.
    I'd love to win any of these amazing prizes. Each one is a line of fabric I drooled over, but couldn't afford at the time. Such beautiful prints and colors!

  77. I love reading your blog and seeing all the great quilts that you make. I don't get near as much done as you do. The Eventide quilt looks overwhelming to me and I would love to try it sometime. I would love to win the Park avenue fabric or either one of the others. I love fabric!

  78. Congrats mama! Finally more Cooper pics!

  79. congrats on 250 posts. I love reading your posts and look forward to them. You are, as many have said before me, very inspirational with your quilting. Cooper is so cute too. I can't say there is a quilt that I haven't liked that you have done. I love hearing from you and i certainly understand if you can't now and then. I am guilty of that too. Blogging is a great tool for learning and sharing. Your giveaway is so generous of you. I would be more then happy with any of the bundles. They are all gorgeous.
    Have a great weekend.

  80. Congratulations on your 250th blog and quitting drinking pop. I've just recently started reading people's blogs but love to see what you're doing. I am tackling a Judy Neimeyer pattern that I never thought I would be able to do with all those skinny little pieces, but it's going together great. I love the Glace fabric. Maybe I could actually get a Christmas quilt done before Christmas.

  81. I know this makes me sound like a total nerd, but I just figured out vlookup in excel - never thought I'd understand it. For something quilty, I never thought I'd be able to applique, but a dresden plate quilt I made last fall gave me the motivation to hunker down, get out my machine manual, and practice.

  82. Congratulations, Thelma! I've been enjoying your blog for quite some time. I have learning to do hexigons and other hand piecing techniques on my list. This might be the year since I seen to have no energy after work for the sewing machine. Looking forward to the next 250 blog posts!

  83. COngratulations on your blog - I read every post even though I don't make comments - and also your supremely tidy stash!
    Last summer I surprised myself by piecing two quilts (I usually hand applique Jan Patek or Blackbird Designs quilts). One of them was in Rural Jardin and had triangles, many of which had points and some of which met! One day I will attempt Miss Rosie's Elizabeth, in a French General fabric. Love the French General kit!

  84. Congrats! I'm so impressed with the no pop for a year! I try DAILY to give up my coke and haven't been able to yet. I have loved reading your blog and getting to know you through it. You're quilts are amazing and I'm constantly amazed at all you get done! What a great giveaway. I love the French General fabric just like you. I've get to get working on my Route 44 so I have a finished French General quilt! Congrats on 250 posts! Keep it up.

  85. Jeanie jeanhmaher@yahoo.comMarch 11, 2011 at 12:58 PM

    250 posts! Congratulations. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful quilts. A quilt I have yet to tackle is Grandmother's Flower Garden. I love it and I know I could do it, but all those pieces. I wonder if I would ever finish it. I also avoid Y-seams :/ I need to be less fearful-after all, it's just fabric. Isn't that why seam rippers were invented? :)

  86. HI Thelma! Happy 250th post! I have enjoyed every one of your posts and projects and most importantly Cooper!!! I am so glad that you are a bloggy friend, I only wish that you lived close by, because you feel like a neighbor to me! Of course my answer to to question is to tackle applique, because you, once again have inspired me (I almost wrote inspirited me... I don't think that's a word but I like it) anyway, applique is my challenge; you embraced it... so SO can I! right??? I love your giveaway gifts... any one of them is beautiful & extremely generous. #1 looks very interesting-

  87. Congratulations! I've been thinking about knitting socks, but I really don't want a yarn stash that rivals my fabric stash. Still just thinking...

  88. 250 post....That's amazing, that's also what I would like to do is to blog, but just do not think that I could. I love reading posts...... I am a quilter and I get lots of inspiration from reading your posts. Congrats again. I love the French General fabric.

  89. I have a six sided table topper that I have yet to bind. I put it off because I know turning those odd corners will not be easy.

    I would chose the Fat Quarter bundle of Park Avenue by 3 Sisters for Moda if you choose my name!

  90. Happy 250th post!! That is really something. I have enjoyed reading your blog even when I haven't commented all the time (time factor). I think that my favorite quilt that I've seen you do is the one you posted - Madeline's Good Fortune. I still dream of doing that someday. I would love to be entered into your giveaway! Everything looks wonderful.

  91. I have loved your blog and watching your process as you create your beautiful quilts. I'm looking forward to 250 more posts and more awesome quilts. How I'd love the Glace. I made pretty Dresden plates with it but need more to finish them into a quilt so I'm crossing my fingers.

  92. WOW, congrats on 250 posts!!! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all of your beautiful quilts. I LOVE A la Mode and Madeline's Good Fortune!
    One thing I would like to try, but am kind of afraid to do , is curved piecing. One of these days, I will just have to go for it.
    Thanks so much for the generous giveaway--I would love to win the Glace fabric.

  93. Almost every thing is daunting for me...right now an accurate quarter inch seam is kicking my but! I would love the Glace FQ's so hard to find.

  94. Congratulations on your blogiversary (lol, a made up word & I'm worrying about the spelling!!) and on giving up fizzy drinks! I love Cooper and am with your daughter "More Cooper photos!". I've been quilting for almost 5 years and last year I entered my first quilt show (which was also the largest quilt show I've ever been to and felt huge) and, although (to my mum's disappointment!) I didn't win anything, I got such a thrill when I saw it hanging with all those wonderful quilts and I was thrilled skinny when someone took a photo of it! I'm really glad I did it but wouldn't have even thought about it without the persistent enouragement from the owner of my LQS. Thank you for the giveaway - I hope overseas entries are ok...if they are then I love all the prizes so if I'm lucky enough to be picked please give the other two winners their choice and I'll happily give a home to the last in line ;o)

  95. Ag! A post chuck full of information. Love it!
    Congrats on your 250th post. The art of blogging is just to post. Regardless if you think no one is listening, post. congrats on your success in that endeavor. AND super congrats on the elimination of Pop in your daily 'nutritional' intake. THAT is something! Honestly, I don't think I could do it, so kudos to you.
    I agree with everyones assesment. Your interpretaion of Madeline is outstanding.

    I had to laugh when I took a peek at your closet. I am happy to find someone that is more of a neat freak than me. You give me something to aspire to. LOL!!

    You know that my thing is Applique. That is something that I find so diffcult to stick with and I am working diligently on. So, tune in for progress on that front.

    If I win the giveaway, I would need to go with French General's Reine des Abeilles quilt kit. I actually had never seen it before so this would be a treat!

    Have a great weekend, Thelma!!

  96. Congratulations on your remarkable accomplishments! I love your blog as you make the most beautiful quilts. I'm most proud of the fact that I actually quilted a quilt. Several quilts in fact! I didn't think I could do it, but also didn't see any sense in paying someone else to do it! It's not perfect, but I'm getting better.

    If I win the giveaway, I would definitely choose the Maison de Garance kit. I'm coveting that fabric lately!

    Keep blogging and quilting!

  97. Congrats on the 250 posts!! and also the no soda,I have cut myself to one day at the most. some days I drink water or unsweet tea.. trying to watch some of my sugar intake..thanks for the chance to win some 3 sisters Park Avenue,Amy

  98. I have pretty much taught myself how to quilt and that is what I am most proud of. I am by no means any good at it, but I love it and with time will improve. Congrats the big 250. I would love to win #3.
    thank you

  99. Love this post. I love how you've looked back over the time since you started a blog and how far you've come. And thank you, thank you for showing your closet. I love how you've arranged it and will be rethinking my fabric storage for sure. Thanks for the added bonus of a giveaway - and of course I have to go for the French General all the way. I have to say that recently I did Prairie Points for the first time, and although it was on a small scale, I was thrilled! It's thanks to blogs like yours that inspire me that I am able to go outside the box and try something new!

  100. Congratulations on your blogiversary and many more! I've wanted to organize all my fabric and misc. sewing/quilting supplies into a neat and tidy system like yours but I'm easily overwhelmed and get so far and give up. That and I can't throw out even the tiniest piece of fabric because I "might need it someday." I'd be thrilled with either the French General kit or the Glace bundle. Thanks for the opportunity!

  101. Congratulations!! HSTs get the best of me. I was working on a pinwheel sampler top last year and I put it away because things weren't coming out right. Well, a year's break is what I needed because I pulled the project out again 2 weeks ago and just completed (like an hour ago) all the blocks for my sampler. Woohoo! Now I can work on getting the top assembled. If I'm lucky enough to win, I would love Glace or Park Avenue. Enjoy your weekend!

  102. Congratulations Thelma! A wonderful blogaversary, and so many wonderful completed projects! I am hoping to master quilting feathers this year. I love their look in quilts and would like to try them, but I am quite intimidated. ;-) Thank you for such a fantastic giveaway! #1 looks very appealing to me, but in all honesty, they are all fabulous gifts! Have a happy weekend!

  103. Congratulations on your 250th blog. I started reading your blog about a month ago and check it every day. Your quilts are beautiful and your fabrics are perfect. If chosen, I would like #2- the Glace fat quarters. Thanks

  104. What a wonderful blogaversary. I can't believe you have finished that many projects. I can barely finish my second quilt!

    I would prefer #2, if I was lucky enough to win...but anything would be wonderful.

  105. Congratulations from another big fan. I recently organized my fabric closet and I'm very proud of it. I like buying new fabric just so I can fold it. It would be thrilled to win the kit, the colors are my favorites.
    Marilyn (no

  106. Thelma,
    Don't feel that you have to respond.... I've been lurking on your blog for about a year. I love your fabric choices for quilts and love your house and how you display quilts. Like you...I love the reds in a quilt and that may be why I am drawn to so many of your quilts! Congrats on your 250th---don't stop. I love checking out your blog!! Lisa - a faithful lurker.....

  107. Congratulations on your 250th post. I guess one of the things that I'd like to do, but think it might be too hard is starting a blog. I don't think that I'd have much to blog about or it would be boring. I still might try it later on, but not today. As for your give-away, you have great items, but I'm going to pass. I have so much in my stash now, that it would be a shame to win something so beautiful and not work with it. Thanks for the offer.

  108. I recently surprised myself by making something that turned out EXACTLY as it was suppose to measurement-wise. My first few blocks in this hobby were so awful so to see that I finally seem to have gotten the hang of a 1/4" seam just blew me away. Also, I just finished my first quilt big enough to go on my bed and I NEVER thought I'd be able to do that. Thanks for all the great inspiration!

    I made a Maison de Garance quilt but gave it away and I've been missing the fabric ever since so I'd love to win that kit!

  109. Happy Anniversary...really enjoy your blog. I certainly don't expect bloggers to respond to my comments, so please, don't feel compelled to do so! I love your work and your organization. I am proudest of my decision to go back to college after a LONG break...I have a professional goal in mind and will not be deterred. Of course the quilting has suffered, but I'll get back to it at some point.

  110. If my closet looked as neat as yours, I wouldn't want to put the doors back on! The thing that intimidates me the most is hand quilting. I don't make many large quilts because it is too hard to machine quilt them myself and so expensive to send them to the long-arm quilter. If I were the lucky winner, the Park Avenue fabrics would be my choice. I really like border prints and the colors are lovely!

  111. Happy anniversary. I love your blog and check it every day!

  112. Your blog has been a very positive thing in my life too! I'm amazed at your closet, it makes me want to march down and organize mine, but that's not going to happen.! (I have pneumonia right now and have been flat in bed for 3 days. I have sewing withdrawal in addition to everything else.)
    I have put off learning to applique because I think it will be too hard. I finally bit the bullet a couple of weeks ago and signed up for a class at my local quilting store. We'll see if I actually make it.
    I did surprise myself when I finished "Dark Shadows" so quickly. It a BOM quilt where the finish turned out to be bigger than making the blocks. (14 11 inch log cabin blocks and 4 13 inch courthouse square blocks. It had beautiful large, dark purple, setting triangles which I fell in love with, and the fact that I sucked it up and finished it in 2 weeks just reminds me that there's power in LOVING something.
    I am also VERY surprised to have pneumonia. I usually just roll along while everyone around me gets sick.
    Congrats on your 250th entry! I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to have a fat quarter bundle of Glace'. I had just started quilting when it came out and I do believe it's my favorite line so far, but I didn't understand at the time... A. Buy the FQ bundle NOW. B. All fabric lines aren't going to be that beautiful to me, get the ones I love! So I missed it, something I truly regret.

  113. And by the way, I grew up in Dallas Tx, we called every carbonated beverage "Coke." Sort of like "Kleenex," I guess!
    LOL~ Now that I think of it, except for "Dr. Pepper!" That one drink got called its own name!

  114. Love all of your quilts! I'm jealous of your very organized closet! Thanks for sharing your quilting adventures with us. Jana

  115. Happy Blogging! I love your all your stuff-from designs to color choices to pictures of Cooper. I have been trying my hand at quilting on my machine and it just isn't working. How in the world do some get all that fabric through their machines without puckers? Not for sure if that part of the process is going to be for me. If I am a lucky winner I would enjoy either Park Avenue or French General. Thanks for the inspiration.

  116. WOW! I love your blog. It is so inspiring. I would love to make Eventide. I know you are all doing it but it seems daunting. Anyway keep posting and congrats on 250! I like the FG if I'm lucky. Thanks Janet

  117. Wow, 250 posts!! I found you through Nicole's blog and I've gone back to your first post and I'm reading my way through to the present. Your productivity makes me so envious. I guess what I would like to do most is get organized and have a tidy stash closet. Every time I get close, I start another project, then chaos lives in my quilt studio for a bit. If you should randomly generate my name, I'd love the French General quilt kit.

  118. Congratulations on your 250th post! That is quite an accomplishment, especially to me as a blog is one of my things that I haven't started because I don't think I could keep up with it. And if I could, would anybody want to read it? Another thing I would like to do but haven't for the fear of failure is knitting socks. I guess not only is fear holding me back on these, but it's also the lack of time. Wouldn't it be nice if we could find more of that precious commodity?
    Thanks for a chance to win. All the prizes are wonderful, but if I were lucky enough to be chosen, my favorite is the Glace.

  119. Thelma, I just love your blog! Congratulations on 250!
    I am a newcomer but love your conversational favourite post ever was 'A quilters Tale...'
    My choice should I be lucky enough to win would be Park Avenue...although I love them all!!
    Many thanks and please keep blogging!
    Krystena x

  120. oops, I forgot to tell you that I am scared witless by Eventide but think I might give it a go after following your Quilt-along!!

  121. Congratulations on your 250th post! I am new to your blog but am enjoying it very much. My goal is to learn needle turn applique and to incorporate embroidery in my quilts. My proudest achievement was to finally finish my college education after 35 years at the tender age of 56 and to graduate summa cum laude. I would love the French General quilt kit if I am fortunate enough to be chosen. Thanks for such an inspiring blog! Dyann in Arkansas

  122. Woo Hoo! 250! Congrats on all of your achievements! I avoid curves and Y-seams, scary scary things. I am a big Park Avenue fan. Thanks for having such a generous giveaway.

  123. Congratulations on reaching this milestone...blogging certainly has motivated your quiltmaking. I enjoy seeing what you have done, in particular Belle Meade....I would love to try some free hand feathers on my quilts...but I can never seem to take that 'leap of faith'. Ann-Maree

  124. I really enjoy your blog and love your color and pattern choices. Please enter me in your give away. Thanks.

  125. Congratulations on all your special milestones, Thelma! Your productivity boggles my mind, and I agree there isn't a stinker among the quilts you've shared with us. I think my favorites are A la Mode, Faceted Jewels, Climbing Jacob's Ladder, Route 44, and Oh, Christmas Tree. I've probably told you before that every quilt you finish immediately goes on my I-must-make-that-quilt list. To quote a great movie: "I'll have what she's having."

  126. I just found your blog today.
    I love it and a giveaway to boot!!!!

    I would love to win :Fat Quarter bundle of Park Avenue by 3 Sisters for Moda

  127. Thelma, Congratulations on your 250th post! I think I found your blog through Nicole at Sister's Choice and I've been a faithful reader ever since although I rarely comment. I would love to try applique and haven't because I just haven't had the time. I would also love to make the pattern I have with the flying geese border and I haven't done it because the thought of having to get all those points to line up scares me.

  128. I am new to your blog and I sure am glad I found you. One thing I would love to do but keep putting off trying is needle turn applique. It looks so lovely. prize 1 is my choice :)

  129. Oh are one organized cookie! So impressed with your stash management!
    Good for you giving up Coke!! It is so bad for you...I try to stay away from it...but fail miserably! You have encouraged me my dear.
    And Congratulations on your 250th post. You've encouraged and helped us all along the way!

  130. Happy anniversary! Keep up the good work. Your blogs are always interesting. I have a Judy Niemeyer pattern "Waterfall" cut and ready to go but am nervous about paperpiecing the long wedges. Time to just do it.

    Theresa W

    foleywestrup at hotmail dot com

  131. Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy your blog and keeping up with your quilts. Thanks for sharing your organization strategies....something I struggle with all the time!

  132. Happy Anniversary, Thelma . . . and thank you so much for your blog . . . I have enjoyed every single post . . . wow 250 !!

    your A La Mode quilt is by far my favorite . . . but I bet if I went through your list I would find at least 10 others that I would also say were my favorites . . . LOL . . .

    I'm still shying away from applique . . . maybe someday . . . I decided a few years ago to learn English Paper Piecing instead and I love that . . . in fact, I'm now teaching it . . .

    the French General's Reine des Abeilles quilt kit would be my choice if I get lucky enough to win . . .

    thank you so much for 18 months of terrific posts . . . and wonderful quilts . . .

  133. Great post! Thanks for the picture of your fluffy pup, showing how your organize your stash (always fascinating to me) and above all, congratulations on your 250th post and your continued blogging and really really nice quilts! And thanks for the giveaway, too. Keep it up!

  134. Hi, Thelma and congrats on your blog-iversary! I enjoy stopping by and reading. I also enjoy your pics and that you share of yourself. Something that I have done VERY little of in my lifetime of quilting (and I'd like to learn) is art try to get out of my box just a little more!
    Thanks for the chance to win a prize for your blog-iversary - so very generous!
    I'd love to have the French General kit - If I happen to win I will share with a friend who got on the F.G. bandwagon just lately and is having a hard time finding some of the first lines.
    Happy Stitching!

  135. I have drawn a lot of inspiration from your blog, so I am glad you have taken the time to learn and grow in blogging! Your quilts are just gorgeous. When you showed a photo up there of your Madelines Good Fortune I fell in love with it all over again!
    Something I started this year was running, I am using the "couch to 5K" program. I never thought I'd be able to run, and I'm doing really well at it, and just taking my time. I am finding myself wanting to run every other day, it's awesome! I am so glad I am taking the time to take care of my body.

  136. Happy Blog Anniversary! I just love your blog, your quilts are beautiful. Thank you for a glimpse into your organization, that is an area in which I struggle.

    Something that I have been wanting to do, but keep putting off because I know there will be a learning curve, is a New York Beauty quilt - someday.....

  137. I would like to try applique but have been putting it off out of fear that I'll make a hash of it or it will take too long to finish a project. Love the Glace!

  138. Congratulations! Love your blog and your quilts. I relate to so, many of your posts as you make decisions and describe the quilting process. We're a lot alike! I'm doing the Civil War Tribute quilt from last year. I've been afraid to even start it. I'd read so, many posts about how hard it was but I'm happy to say I have and I love making the blocks. They are a challenge but such a sense of accomplishment when you get them done each time.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift. I am crazy about both fabric lines but would love Park Avenue!

  139. Happy 250th post!

    I've always wanted to make a large Mariner's Compass Quilt. Someday I'll do this. But it looks hard, and I'm not that skilled.

    Awesome contest, thanks for throwing it! I would love Glace (mom-in-law looooves Christmas, and on the project to-do list is a Christmas quilt for her)

  140. Your quilts are uniformly lovely and you are obviously very prolific! If I was fortunate enough to be a winner, my choice would be Glace!

  141. Hi Thelma,
    I have been visiting your blog for a while now and love the work that you do. I love the quilts that you and Nicole have worked on together.
    I guess the current project that I would love to do but don't have the nerve is Eventide. I am loving watching the progress of everyone on the quilt along.
    I made a beautiful quilt from Glace last year so if I were lucky enough to win I would be thrilled with any of the other choices.
    Keeping my fingers x'd, thanks for the chance.

  142. Congratulations on giving up POP and on 250 posts and all those beautiful quilts!
    I call it pop too.
    What a great giveaway, soooo many pretty fabrics.
    Something that is proving hard for me right now - losing weight - again. For my health. I'm working at it though.
    I LOVE ALL your giveaway items but if I HAD to pick I would say the Glace bundle.

  143. Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary! I don't think I can ever give up my diet Dew or diet Coke, so major props to you! Love reading your blog and participating in the sewalong. One of the things I'm afraid to do is quilt my own tops. I tried it once and completely ruined it, had to pull all the stitching out. Worst part is it was invisible thread, which made it really hard to see. Oh, and your Madeine is on my to do list...must've visited it severa time. I'd love Park Avenue or French General. PS - you converted me to red!

  144. Happy Blogiversary! Many thanks for all the inspiration you give your readers!! I would love to try hand applique and would love to win the Park Avenue fabric.

  145. Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading your blog. So many things I would like to do, but the biggest one is finish some of my UFO's. I have a bad habit of starting something new before I finish what I'm working on. I recently learned hand applique and I love it! Now to find the time to do more of it. I would love to make a Baltimore Album quilt. Thanks for the generous giveaway. I would love to win the Glace FQ bundle.

  146. Thelma, your blog is one of the best out there so thank you for sharing your quilting and your life with us and congratulations on your milestone blogging anniversary!

    The thing I haven't tried yet, that I am determined to learn how to do, is needleturn applique. I am less intimidated by it now than when I first decided that I wanted to learn to do it, but time constraints and having so many other things I want to do have kept me from attempting it thus far. But someday!!!

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway! If I win, I would love to have the Glace fabrics, although all of the prizes are amazing!

  147. congratulations on your anniversary. after i finish up the couple things that "must get completed" then i'm going to start on a a shakespeare in the park. i've been wanting to make one of those for a long time. your give away gifts are all beautiful -- how generous you are. i guess i'd have to say the glace is my favorite, but then, i also like the other many decisions.......

  148. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I thoroughly enjoy starting my day with your blog and seeing all the lovely quilts you have done, and all the fabrics I haven't seen in my LQS. I would love the French General quilt kit as I have always wanted to try hexagons. Here's to the next 250 posts!

  149. Congratulations Thelma on your 250 posts! I look forward to reading your blog daily. Your most recent post got me thinking. For years I have wanted to join a quilt quild and get involved with other quilters and community activities. For a variety of reasons--raising kid, working, neverending "to-do" list---I never felt that I had the time to do so. Well yesterday I did! I'm looking forward to becoming involved with this community of quilters. I'm looking forward to your next 250 posts. You keep me inspired. Would love to win the Glace fat quarters and get ready for some Christmas sewing!

  150. LeAnne solo663@aol.comMarch 13, 2011 at 11:54 AM

    Dearest Thelma,

    Thank you for all that you do, share and give to all of us who enjoy your Blog. Happy Blog-a-versary... Wow what a commitment :) I guess what I am proud of my piecing skills would be that finally after all these years I have "POINTS" where they should be... I have a seam gauge with me and I test my quarter inch seam before tackling any project for accuracy. I did a quilt called "Pointless WOnder" it was a star quilt similar to the way you would do a Buggy Barn patter... well I didn't get the points nor did they look like random stars...I had sewn off my points... UGH... so not wanting to throw it away I finished the quilt, quilted it artsy , fartsy.. and renamed it "SO, WHATS THE POINT".. I vowed to always check to be better at my piecing and have accomplished to have my points be POINTS!.. YEAH... Now I would like to tackle the Wedding Ring quilt this year.. WOuld be grateful to win any of these fantastic prizes, kind a love the kit "Reine Des Abeilles" as I so love reds... I think I was a saloon girl in a past life...ha..ha.. Thanks again. xoxo

  151. Congratulations! I cannot imagine blogging as well as quilting and doing everything else that needs to be accomplished in life. I love what you create. I need to be as dedicated as you to complete the UFOs that are here and have been accumulating over the years. It would indeed be a treat to win one of your generous prizes. If I had my druthers, I would chose #2.

  152. LeAnne O. solo663@aol.comMarch 13, 2011 at 5:53 PM

    Thelma... Just to let you know, you have created an organizing monster.. after seeing how well organized and appointed you have everything... I have decluttered, cleaned, purged, organized, ran to Target and Walmart to get bins and etc.... which they would like to thank you by the way too ...$$$$ Thanks for being such a positive influence to all of us... Happy 250 Blogs and More to come..


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