Thursday, August 30, 2012

Spools-Along Sew-Along . . . .

The Spools projects keep rolling in!

Sinta at Pink Pincushion finished her Spools with a flair, adding a checked inner border and floral outer border.  I love it and wish I would have thought to do something similar.

Sally at Chocolate Chip Addict has doubled her Spools production.

I think they all look wonderful.

When Nicole, Lisa, and I talked about asking folks to join in our Spools-Along, we figured we would wrap things up the end of Summer, around Labor Day.  Well we still have some folks working away so we've decided to extend the Spools-Along until later in September, there's still time to join in the fun if you've not started!

Hey, thanks for all the great wool comments, links, suggestions, and tips!  As with most things I'm finding out the more I learn the more I find out I don't know!

It's looking good that my Dimestore will be in the Schnibbles Parade, stop by tomorrow for a look at my finish.


  1. Beautiful quilts, but I still love that you "threw in" some small spools into your quilt. It's one of my favorites. XOXO

  2. Where do I find the pattern so that I can play along?

  3. I can't wait to see more of the Spools quilts... it was THE summer's most fun project... they are all so sweet. I love the wool polka dot cat project too. I have been tempted but, wholly smokes! Another wool thing that makes my heart skip a beat is rug hooking via Minick and Simpson.

  4. Love the spool quilts! Every spool quilt I have seen I absolutely adore. I have my pattern and fabric ready but have yet to start.


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