Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Are you ready for . . . .

Are you ready for some Buggy Barn Quilt Show Pictures?

As if hosting a week of classes isn't enough fun (and work) for the folks at the Buggy Barn, they wrap things up with a quilt show and folk art festival on the weekend.  On Saturday and Sunday, what is normally a farm in the middle wheat fields, is converted into an outdoor exhibit hall.

This is the Buggy Barn Shop, each side covered with quilts.

Here's another barn, also covered in quilts.  That flag at the top of the barn is a quilt!  Doesn't it look just perfect up there!

Clotheslines and fences are also used to display the quilts.

It's something to see in person.  We could not have had a nicer day for an outdoor show.  This show has never been rained out!  Pam and Janet, their families, and the staff at the Buggy Barn, get up at 4 am Saturday morning and start hanging quilts in order to have the quilts on display by 10, when the show opens.  The quilts then come down for the night and they do it all again Sunday.

There was a nice variety quilts made by folks from everywhere.  Out of all the quilt shows I've ever attended this one had the best light and most room.  It was a wonderful change of pace.  I sure hope I get to go back.

And hey, are you ready for some.....FOOTBALL!!

Yes, it's finally here, football in America officially kicks off tonight.   Edy's icecream and Nabisco were nice enough to commemorate the occasion with some nice football themed food that I couldn't resist picking up.  I enjoy most sports but football is by far my favorite.  I root for three teams but enjoy watching almost any team play. And as much as I enjoyed my Summer of Fun, there's nothing like football in the fall to keep me smiling.

What about, are you ready for a  . . . Giveaway  !  

To celebrate the start of football season, and the fact that sometime over the summer I posted my 400th blog post, accumulated over 400 followers, and surpassed 800,000 hits on my blog, AND because I was so busy with my Summer of Fun that I didn't have the time to respond to all my comments but you kept stopping by and commenting, and to give someone who didn't get a taste of the Buggy Barn a little  morsel, 

I'm giving away this kit to make this pattern, Harvest House.  The fabric is from the Buggy Barn's line Harvest House and is full of fall colors, prints and plaids. 

To be eligible to win this pattern and bundle of fabric just leave a comment on today's post telling us what you did this summer that was the most fun.  It can be something as simple as sitting on your porch and watching the fireflies to an amazing trip, to whatever, it was your summer and I'm sure you had some fun.  The contest will close midnight, CDT, September 7th, with the winner announced Saturday, September 8th.  If the United States Post Office will deliver to your address you are eligible to enter.

Finally, thanks for all the wonderful thread storage tips, I'm researching your suggestions and will let you know what I decide when my thread is organized. And thanks also for the 3 or 4 brave souls who admitted to having the same storage system that I have, that just made me smile!


  1. Oh. I'm the first comment! I bought a lot of fabric this summer! It was great fun. I'm taking a scrap buster class this fall. Instead of busting my scraps, I busted my charge card. But it was sew much fun. Thanks for the giveaway. Mary

  2. Our 3 year grandson came for a visit ..... oh, what fun! He is so entertaining and curious. He loved the Buggy Barn Convoy quilt I made him. Called it his "Tractor" quilt and kept saying he was tired so he could lay on and have me read him a book.

    On Wednesday I saw on a blog that someone had mentioned the quilt you are giving away and thought it looked like a quilt I needed to make! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  3. Congrats on all your bloggy achievements! Thanks for sharing the Buggy Barn photos, looks like a great couple of days! Summer will be starting here soon, I am really looking forward to feeling the sun on my face!

  4. Oh wow what a giveaway! We did lots of fun stuff over Summer, but probably the best was going to see the Wizard of Oz at the theatre. Really magical!

    I love Buggy Barn quilts and have their pattern books "Gone Crazy" and "Still Crazy" after seeing your photos from an earlier post.

  5. You make me dream with your pictures, because in my country there are no shows with such a way to display quilts.
    during my holidays I have enjoyed the moments spent with my husband and our two daughters. During the year we can't have all the time we would like to be together because of our jobs and school, so holidays are a wonderful moment for me.
    Hugs from France

  6. Congratulations! My goodness, what a wonderful, generous giveaway. I would so love to win! This will sound kind of sad, but the most fun I've had this summer & this year is losing thirty six pounds. I'm enjoying my daily exercise and everything is just better knowing I don't look like a total blob any more!

  7. Thelma,

    The family spent a wonderful week at the beach in NC. With everyone being together was a joy. The giveaway is fantastic as is you reaching so many people on you blog. Congratulation.


  8. I was lucky enough to spend the summer at my lake camp in NH. It was a fabulous summer spent swimming, boating and having fun. I haven't touched my sewing machine in ages but that's about to change!

  9. One day I hope to visit the Buggy Barn. Thanks for the lovely pictures ... a gal can dream!

    My summer highlight was the birth of my newest great nephew. The day was exciting, special and such fun. Happy quilting.

  10. I enjoy reading your blog and I love tool tuesday. I am learning a lot. All summer I worked on finishing projects and what a great feeling to cross off items on my list and to see my finished projects. Doris

  11. The most fun thing I did this summer was go to my boys' stock car races across the midwest. What a wonderful giveaway it will truly make someone's end of summer great!!

  12. Hands down, the most fun thing I did this summer was attend my son's wedding. He and his bride created a unique, beautiful and memorable ceremony, set in the beautiful mountains of eastern Kentucky. (Almost all the guests were from out of state, and had the distinct pleasure of driving past barn quilts on the way to the wedding. I was reminded of that when I saw your posting of real quilts on barns. Full circle.)
    Glad you had an enjoyable summer - cherish the present moment as well as the memories.

  13. Definitely on the Bucket list is the Buggy Barn quilt show for me. While the toughest part of my summer was losing my lab--the greatest was my new pup,Ripley.

  14. I moved this summer, which was NOT fun, but when we finally got to our new house, I had the most fun setting up my awesome quilting space!

  15. Hmmm, your summer is my winter (I live in Australia!) But in my summer (January to be exact) I fulfilled a lifelong dream of watching the fireworks over Cinderellas Castle at Disney World!!! It was ah-may-zing!! A beautiful family from Mississippi squeezed us in to watch the parade because they loved our accents....we loved theirs too!!
    Krystena x

    1. oh, and if I am lucky enough to win I would pay the postage to Australia.

  16. I took a few minutes one morning to stroll through my yard and take some snapshots of everything blooming. Those snapshots were put together in a slidshow that plays on my desktop. I love looking at the color combos and it is inspirational when it comes to choosing colors for my quilting projects.

  17. Love the Buggy Barn...I was there once but sadly not at quilt show time. Football season...YIPPEE! Love the Pro's and Love you, I have my favorites but I'll watch any football game.

  18. My favorite summer project was my time with my grandchildren with a little quilting thrown in when they when home! I love reading your blog and I am sure you would be my friend if you lived down the road!

  19. I was just thinking about the summer as it approached the wrap-up mode. I started the Summer with my daughter in June and wrapped it up @ her house in August. Can't beat that!!
    In Texas, the best summer is the one that you spend inside with your best friend AC. LOL!
    Great pics of this show. I always wondered what they did to put it up and you figured that one out. To put them up and down every day is just wow. That is a huge amount of work, especially the barn quilts. Definitely a labor of love.

  20. Although we moved our younger daughter to Missouri this summer :( My favorite thing this summer was spending a week at the beach (shores of Lake Michigan) with BOTH of my (young 20's) daughters.

  21. Love Buggy Barn and all that yummy fabric you are giving away. Because of finances, our summer was a stay at home one. At the end of the summer we got a 4 month old German Shepherd. We'll see if she ends up being the best thing or not :)

  22. Love buggy barn! The most fun thing we did this summer - watch a euro 2012 game in Ireland. The irish team didn't win, but it was so much fun to experience the local excitement in a neighborhood pub! The rest of the trip was great fun as well.

  23. Going parasailing with my dh was amazing!

  24. I did the Minnesota shop hop and went to my first threshers reunion. Took a short week-end trip to Duluth.

  25. Great photos, Thelma! I can tell you had a great time at the Buggy Barn! The most fun thing I did this summer was traveling to NYC to meet my brand new first (and likely only) nephew - a true miracle baby born long after we had all given up hope. It was heavenly to cuddle a new baby and to share in our family's joy.

  26. Thanks for the great photos, the quilts look wonderful! This summer we managed to slip in a week in New Hampshire - quiet cottage on a small lake, lots of kayaking and swimming and a Mom-the-Tyrant-hike that was pretty gruelling but rewarded us with a fabulously gorgeous vista and some waterfalls on the way down!

  27. Best part of the summer was the trip to Las Vegas for my son's wedding with dear Jen. Ended the trip with a visit to the Grand Canyon... Beautiful!

  28. Even though I did a fair bit of travelling, my summer was spent at Winterpast (our cottage) and there were no funerals, and hospitals like the last three summers, so I relaxed, walked the beach, and sewed, nd sewed and sewed. I finished (bound) 2 queen sized quilts, made 5 purses, one lap quilt and 3 Schnibbles projects and a set of pillowcases, and puttered away at a few granny squares....a perfectly wonderful summer! I would love someday to get to the Buggy Barn , but will have to satisfy myself with a virtual visit through you and Nicole. Thanks for the generous give away and I am tossing my name in the hat with everyone else, hoping to win!

  29. I went on two great trips this summer - one to Ireland to attend the Internaional Quilt Festival and a week after I returned I went to Florida to attend my brother's retirement ceremony from the Air Force. Both were great experiences!

    Deb S.

  30. I'd love to win your give-away, Thelma. My fun this summer was early -- late in May/early in June, my husband and I fulfilled a life-long wish: to go to Scandinavia. It was our 45th anniversary and we spent two glorious weeks in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. The other fun was every single weekday afternoon. I work at a school, and in the summer my hours are reduced to 8-1, so I get to spend every afternoon with my Bernina. Thanks for this opportunity.

  31. Summer flew by in a blink of an eye so didn't get anything done but tend the garden. I am like you - I absolutely live for football season, especially college on a Saturday afternoon. That is my best sewing day because it is so relaxing.

  32. Great photos, thank you! I'd LOVE to go to the Buggy Barn, it looks like a great place. It's on my bucket list, someday. This year I had the BEST trip ever. My son (13) and I drove 10 hrs. from NY to NC (a first for me) to see our BEST FRIENDS (since I was 8). We haven't seen them in 5 yrs we spent 5 wonderful days together. I still miss them, they lived about 15 miles from us, before they moved. ;-> Toni Anne

  33. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. This quilt is the colors of fall, my favorite season. The most fun I had this summer was taking our new Lab puppy Gracie to the lake and watching her swim and fetch. She just loved it!

  34. So many things to choose from! My husband traveled a lot this summer, so my favorite thing was probably meeting him in Savannah, GA for a little romance. I just adore that city (and my husband)!! Coming in a close second would be putting the deck on the back of the house (well, the time I get to spend on it in a rocker now that it's there) and having an actual garden this year (we bought our house Aug 2011 and before that only had container gardens at our apartments).

    Some day, I would love to go to a quilt show like the one at Buggy Barn.

  35. This summer was so special and fun because I had a house full of family. The most fun was having all my boys and their families here for a few days enjoying lots of good food and laughter. I also enjoyed sewing a quilt with my youngest son before he moved to go to grad school. Great giveaway - I am already a follower.

  36. Great Photos... I especially like the 4th of July and Celebration Christmas tree skirt and all the other beautiful quilts... I went to Montana this July and became a Certified Teacher for Judy Neimeyer quilt patterns! Spent time with my family and just had a great summer... oh and made over 36 of Judy Neimeyer patterns in the past year, several this summer... I love your blog!

  37. What a marvelous giveaway opportunity. I have really enjoyed reading about your experiences at the Buggy Barn. Best thing for me this summer was having my son home for a month. What a treat!

  38. I spent a week at the beach (Atlantic in Maryland) with my whole family and I mean whole. There were 45 of us on the beach everyday ranging in age from 5 months old to 85 years old. Four generations of fun!

  39. Sumer goes so fast!! The perfect end to Summer was having the AQS show come to Grand Rapids. Great event for the community!

  40. My husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary with a cruise around the Baltic sea! It was just amazing!

  41. I vacationed in the Black Hills with lots of my family. It was just wonderful. Lots of good memories. Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous giveaway!


  42. The only good thing for me this summer is to have my 2.5 year old grandson with me for two weeks, thanks for the chance to win, I LOVE this pattern/ fabrics.XXX

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This summer, after meeting over 40 years ago, I married my high school sweetheart. I made eight quilts that I gifted to the great friends who helped with the wedding and reception. We honeymooned in the little beach community where we had first met. Thanks for the chance at your generous give-away.

  45. The most fun this summer was a family trip to Door County, fun to be together!

  46. My best memory from this summer was watching my son at the dragon boat races at the beach with my husband and after that a few nice walks also by the beach with him, so serene for a change (we had our share of not so many good times with each other in the last year).Thanks you for the chance to win. And I hope that your thread is all organized by now. :)

  47. Summer brought the entire gang home for a long week-end. Kids of all ages to enjoy! A successful quilt show at the country loft (where I work) and great times with friends. I truly believe it's the little things that bring joy - like all the little pieces we cut for every quilt....hope everyone had joy this summer!

  48. The best thing about this summer was having my kids home together. And a few quilt shop trips I took.

    Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to be entered. I don't comment on a regular basis (at least during the summer), but I've certainly been stalking. :o)

  49. I always love to see pictures of the Buggy Barn's quilt show - would love to see it in person some day. And what a great giveaway - those fabrics look so warm and yummy! We didn't take any trips this summer, but I am happiest at home in my sewing room. This year we have had tons and tons of hummingbirds and we have just enjoyed spending time watching them and trying to capture a few on camera.

  50. We stayed close to home this Summer. We just enjoyed each day for whatever came up. I don't know why it has to go by so fast. Now Fall is in the air and time to get some quilting done. Thanks for such a nice give away.

  51. I spent most of my Summer waiting for FALL to arrive! I sewed, and sewed and sewed...and we went rv-ing and I did a lot of hand embroidery for a Fall quilt. What a wonderful quilt kit you are offering!

  52. the last 3 yrs my husband takes me to the zoo and st charles festival in aug.for my birthday i know he doesnt enjoy all the walking but he gets to try every food they have and we dont watch calories that weekend great times

  53. The summer just flew by but the best summer fun was taking a day with my husband to drive to a couple of quilt shoppes that I have never been too (he was so patient!).
    Football is my favorite too :)

  54. This will probably sound stupid but my most fun was going to a shooting range. I'm really anti-gun but realized I'm anti-gun in the streets and in my house. They are OK on a shooting range - where they belong. But it was a blast. My husband and I got all the things needed including a 9mm handgun and we each fired about 30 rounds. I could have done 50 more. It was fun. Not as fun as quilting but fun.

  55. Oh, squeal! I would love to win this kit! My favorite for the summer was this past weekend with my daughter in Chicago. We make an annual trek for a soccer tournament, always on Labor Day. There's always a stop along the bottom of Lake Michigan to get our feet wet, and soak up some sun!! (Only a couple more years left to do this before she sets off into the big wide world) Enjoy your posts very much. Thanks.

  56. Thanks for sharing all the gorgeous photos of the Buggy Barn! How I'd love to be able to visit someday. My favorite thing that happened this summer is that my daughter moved back home (New England) from LA! She and her dog are living here with us temporarily, and it's been wonderful being able to spend so much time with her. Thank you so much for the chance to win the beautiful Buggy Barn fabric and pattern.

  57. I've enjoyed every aspect of your journey to the Buggy Barn and would like to think that someday I, too, will get to visit. Thank you for sharing.

    I would jump for joy and dance across the hot, humid desert if I won your fabulous giveaway.

  58. Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity to add to our projects!! I loved all your pictures of your trip to the Buggy Barn. It looks like a fantastic place - I have put it on my bucket list. But living on the east coast may be a difficult one to achieve. My best part of this summer has been having the time to read and experience what others are doing creatively. You see I am now retired, not by choice, but am trying to make lemonade from the lemons. Thank you again for the daily inspiration.

  59. I love visiting your blog Thelma. Here in AZ we try to stay indoors due to the intense heat, so mostly my fun has been in the sewing room. We are getting ready to go on a cruise in a couple of weeks, excited about that. Thanks for the chance to win the really nice quilt kit.

  60. Thank you for the and stars! My best part of the summer was retiring and going on a quilting first retreat and was so much fun and relaxing! I met new quilters and even four from my city....what luck!


  61. Summer 2012 was very memorable for me. Our middle son graduated from college in May. Our daughter married in June. So an eventful, memory making summer!

  62. This summer we did not take a big vacation, but we were able to take a couple of car trips! The trips were fun, but I think we had the most fun at our Saturday night "Dive-In-Movies". Every weekend we would pull down our huge 30 foot outdoor movie screen, set up the MovieMate, and watch a DVD movie as we lounge around the swimming pool. Some of us even watch as we are in the pool, thus the name "Dive-In-Movie" (instead of drive-in-movie). My kids have seen, nor heard of a drive-in-movie, HA, boy am I old!

  63. Can't wait 'til next year when I'll be close enough to visit the Buggy Barn show. I've made several BB quilts, my younger son made "A Quilter's Village" for his last 4-H project.

  64. A visit to the Buggy Barn show is definitely on my "bucket list" - maybe next summer!! This summer we were lucky enough to have 8 of our 10 grandchildren visit - all at the same time - it was so much fun - but so exhausting! Thanks for the giveaway - I love that quilt!!

  65. The most fun thing I did this summer was the trip I made with my daughter to visit prospective colleges. She is now a senior in high school so embarking on the momentous college admissions process. It was fun to see the schools, see her reactions to them, and we had some great conversations along the way.

  66. June and the better part of July were spent at our neighborhood pool-i'm talking 4-6 hours a day too! My daughter loves to swim and this was the first year that she had friends from our neighborhood that she knew well enough to play with. She just turned 8 and is a stong little swimmer so I spent most of my time lounging and reading by the pool side!

  67. Hmmm, vacation's not until end of September , so it's not that (although I'm hoping that will ultimately be a highlight!) I think I'd have to say the two sewing days I had with my quilting buddies this summer rank up there as thoroughly enjoyable experiences!

  68. This year we were fortunate enough to spend a month in New Hampshire and a month in Vermont. Luckily we have a pretty big motorhome where I can still indulge my passion - quilting. My Featherweight came in handy for sure!

  69. I'd love to go to the Buggy Barn show! I need to find a reason to get over to that side of the state.
    We did lots of traveling this summer - a family reunion near St George, UT, a wedding up by the San Juan Islands in WA and a rafting trip on the Klamath river in northern CA. I wish summer had another month or two!

  70. This past summer I went on my first ever shophop bus trip! I had a blast, bought lots of fabric and evern received 10 yards of material (one yard from each store we visited)! I'm going to make that fabric into two quilts.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this fabric to make a quilt!


  71. Hi and Thanks, Thelma. This summer my family and my brother and his family visited the gorgeous Black Hills, South Dakota. It is a place everyone should visit in their lifetime.

  72. The best part of my summer was an electronic free vacation we took at a cabin at Bastrop State Park outside of Austin, TX. It was a rustic cabin with no tv, no internet and no handheld thingees. It was great!!! Even the kids had fun (I wasn't so sure how it would go at the beginning of the week!!) I think this will be an annual vacation - it was great to leave all the electric stuff home! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize =D PS - GO PATRIOTS!

  73. My best day was July 1st when I celebrated 1 year of being off chemo... yep this has been a great summer and I am looking forward to a wonderful Fall.

    Thanks so much for a chance at your wonderful giveaway. I really enjoy your blog...

  74. My husband and I bicycled through Nova Scotia and after coming from our heat in Phoenix, the cool days of Nova Scotia, their beautiful coastal scenery and their wonderful hospitality were most welcome!

  75. My fun times have been spent with family. I've spent 2 days a week with my sister at Dad's this summer. Lots of old memories rehashed :-)

    Thanks for the chance at the quilt kit!

  76. I had a fantastic summer! An amazing trip to Ireland started the summer off! A new Granddaughter in early August, and my son's and his fiance married 10 days ago! Whew! Lots of stuff going on, but it was all fun! Time to settle in and get some serious piecing and quilting done for the holidays!
    Carol Berry

  77. Two favorites things this summer: a motorcycle trip through southern Utah with my husband and another couple, and 3 days in Boise with my daughters.

  78. The most fun I had this summer was a cruise in Alaska that I took with a friend. We sailed on a small boat that went into places which the large cruise lines can't visit. We got to see a slice of the real Alaska.

  79. While we did take a "vacation" this year, it was mostly picking my son up from college and bringing all his stuff home. But we did meet up with some friends along the way which was lots of fun. And we did see some beautiful open countryside along the way (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada) which was also relaxing. And this past holiday weekend I met up with some college buddies for dinner which brought on so much laughter that we practically wet our pants! So all in all my fun this summer was simple pleasures of being with friends.
    *sillysally aka choc chip addict*

  80. The most fun I had this summer was hanging with my quilty friends and just sewing and chatting! Love the kit, the colors are great.

  81. I was able to fly to Louisiana for my granddaughter's first birthday...sadly, had to cut my trip short because of Hurricane Isaac...but had a wonderful time. Hoping her husband's next transfer will be to somewhere near the west coast (He's in the Coast Guard)...Love your blog, I read it every morning. Thanks for the giveaway...

  82. We just got back from Vancouver, WA! Our grandson is on the Junior Little League baseball team and they won the State Championship!! We had a great time but I have GOT to get back to my quilting - the holidays are just around the corner and I haven't gotten anything done! yikes! That for the great giveaway!

  83. Darn iPad! The last sentence on my comment should read: THANKS for the giveaway!

  84. The most fun I had this summer was watching my grandkids play summer ball.....with the possible exception of when the thermometer exceed 100! I look forward to reading your blog each day & am always inspired by your work. I need to get my hexagons out again, too, and YES, I am ready for some football!

    I don't have any of the ID's required, nor a clue re:how to get them! Lesa M

  85. I would just like to set the record straight--See, it doesn't rain all the time in Washington! I'm always defending that New York and Atlanta has a higher rainfall than us, but now, your beautiful photos of a perfect day proves it. And, seeing these photos brings me back to seeing quilts hang on my grandmother's clothesline; always a welcome sight:-D

  86. I watched my son play almost 100 games of baseball. It brings me joy to watch him excelling at doing what he loves most.

  87. No vacation for us this year, but I had the most fun spending time with my family and SEWING every chance I got!!

  88. Wow! What a lovely quilt!! I would love to win that. My "Summer of Fun" was working on Primitive Gatherings pieced block of the week with my mom. We spent a lot of time together and I introduced her to working with wool (Which she loves!). Mom didn't care to sew all of the little pieces for the quilt so I did those for her and in exchange, she will do the quilting for both - pretty fair trade :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  89. Because of sons' adventures we were able to see Chicago and drive from Utah to Boston and spend four days in Mystic, Connecticut. Such a treat!

  90. I don't know if you would say this was the most fun, but it was the nicests memory. My father passed away early summer so my brothers,sister and I have been cleaning out the house. After a day of hard work we were all sitting in the gazebo in the backyard just talking about childhood memories. Funny the things we remember and the way we remembered them. Thanks for the chance to win this great prize.

  91. I graduated from Nursing School, getting the diploma and the RN license that I have worked so hard for was by far the highlight of my summer! Now I have time to quilt!

  92. Made a great memory... I took my significant other on a zip-line adventure for his 50th Birthday. Had a blast and felt like kids, again!

  93. Spent the entire summer sewing and spending time with my family....and looking forward to a fall retreat!! Love the pattern and fabric...thanks for the giveaway!

  94. Wow!! What a wonderful prize!!!! I had my granddaughter (10 y/o) here for a week and together we made a wall hanging to match her newly decorated room!! AND this is not her first quilt!!! Such fun to share and teach new techniques to her.

  95. This summer, I got to visit Maine. One of our fun highlights was watching fireworks on the beach. I have never seen fireworks like these, it was a VERY foggy night, so you actually hear more of them than you could see! The kids will certainly remember that!

  96. So our summer started with the wedding of our oldest son down in Mexico. It was beautiful and a great time was had by all who were able to attend. Once summer arrived here on the rainy side of the mountains in the Pacific Northwest we spent as many weekends as possible crabbing in the San Juan Islands. Few foods match fresh caught dungeness crab and sharing the catching, cleaning and eating with family and good friends makes for great summer memories. Thanks for the giveaway! What a beautiful selection of fabrics - love those fall colors!

  97. i got a passport.....then i got to use said passport...i went to Paris for two weeks!!!!

  98. NOT to enter the contest! Just to THANK YOU for sharing the pictures of the Buggy Barn quilt show! I would LOVE to get there one of these days! THANKS....have a fab September!!!!! joe

  99. Since I have been major remodeling all summer long, and it has rained majorly almost every day for the past 3 months, I did manage to squeeze in one camping weekend, that was a much needed break, and it was great, and I have been helping others de-stash at my expense, but that is always so much fun, especially when the packages arrive. It is like Christmas time seeing what you de-stashed from someone else. :D

  100. The most funnest would have to be, hands down, playing in the water at the beach with our 15 month old grandson. Next to that would be watching him take his first tentative steps, right into this doting Grammy's arms

  101. A lovely quilt project! I would love to win!

    I had a very quiet summer this year. Both the boys were away at summertime jobs. My favorite summertime memory was the spectacular sunsets each evening as the "hub" and I walked our yellow lab around our town. "Clyde" is exactly 1 mile around with a population on 664. Not many towns left like this anymore in my neck of the woods.

    I love you blog and I read it each morning.

  102. Love the colors on the giveaway kit. The most fun was spending the 4th of July week with our granddaughter. The most proud was at our daughter's graduation from Basic Training in the Army.

  103. I actually didn't do much this summer that was fun! Worked too much - does that count? A short trip was good but too hot! Probably the most fun was just sewing in my basement - it was a very hot summer here too and hanging out in the cool basement was welcome. I also read numerous library books.
    Anne Simonot

  104. Love the colors on the giveaway kit. The most fun was spending 4th of July week with our granddaughter. The most proud was at our daughter's graduation from Army Basic Training Boot Camp.

  105. Look at all of these posts! Everyone loves a good giveaway, and I'm no exception. I enjoyed the cooler and wetter summer in Houston, compared to last summer. We just spent the holiday weekend in Galveston at Moody Gardens and had a great time. Looking forward to Fall and Winter! All the best, Jennifer

  106. Great giveaway! We took our kids camping for the first time. We fished, camped, and ate. It was fun to see my kids wandering the wildness. Something we will do again. I also got quite a bit of sewing done this summer which is always a plus!

  107. Wonderful giveaway!! This summer seemed to be all too hot weather and work but I did get to go on a mini-day-camp-quilt retreat for two days and that was tons of fun!! Lots of friends and laughter and I was very productive.

  108. We have lots of family birthdays in the summer, so the most fun for me was all the get-togethers, and seeing distant family that we haven't seen in years. Hubby works long hours now, so I get lots of quilting time in too! What a beautiful give-away! I'm drooling...

  109. Hi Thelma, what a great quilt show, I would have loved to be there. My favourite thing this summer was being with my Youngest, whilst Eldest was away with his Girlfriend and her Family. Usually I have both of the Boys but I just had Youngest and we went out and about and did lots of different things together, things as simple as walking Treacle, to big things like a Safari Park! We played tennis, went swimming, the cinema, Harry Potter film viewing, it was great fun and I loved every minute of it. Thanks for the Giveaway it looks amazing. Susie x

  110. The most fun I had this summer was raising a newborn kitten. It was hard work in the beginning and I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted. But I now have a 9 week old kitten who
    thinks I'm Mom. I won't have changed a thing!

  111. My summer began with my son's wedding at the beach and ended with a ten-day vacation at the same beach. It makes me happy just to go stand on the deck and go look at the ocean. I can't wait to go back!

  112. Our summer started with a rush of activity, leading to our 2nd daughter's Canadian Farm Wedding. *We now have the "perfect" family. :) Off to South Dekota to tour Custer Sate park area, then home just in time to meet friends in San Francisco for a reunion. I am enjoying our quiet Indiana Home and thinking about Fall projects. This would certainly be a fun one to do!

  113. Having a sewing day with my friend Paula and my sister-in-law Mary is a treasured fun time.

  114. I had fun this summer going to my nieces softball games. Some days it was so hot that you could of melted, but it was worth spending the summer with my family. Thanks for a chance to win. Jamie

  115. I have spent the summer getting to know some neighbors. I'm still up in the air about whether this is a good or bad thing. Lol

    Gorgeous kit and lovely pattern!

  116. I welcomed an old friend from 30 years ago who was in town, and spent the day going from quilt shop to quilt shop. We shared all of our quilting experiences and have kept in touch ever since. Quilting helped us reunite. Life is so wonderful. The fabric and quilt pattern are fabulous, and I would love to put that at the top of my to do list. Kristy

  117. My most fun summer experience was spending a few days with a dear friend and attending a quilt show. We had lunch with 2 other friends from our school days and laughed till we cried while recalling old memories. It was so good for my soul! I had the joy of visiting Buggy Barn several years ago and would love to attend their quilt show.

    Wanda D.

  118. I most fun I had this summer was being able to sew uninterrupted for 25 days while my kids were with their dad. I missed them like crazy, but I got so much done :)

  119. I took my daughter and my mom on a road trip to the East Coast. What a wonderful time making great memories!

  120. The most fun I had this summer was going to Lake Tahoe to a Summer outdoor concert to see a Chicago / Doobie Brothers concert !

  121. Hi Thelma- I can't decide if the week-long sailboat cruse up the coast of Maine with my husband, our two teenage daughters and one adventurous dog was the best memory or if working our tails off painting the outside of our cape style house during a two week stretch of prime painting weather (although HOT) was the most fun. The first one provided adventure and memories, but the second one makes me smile every time I come home! The quilt would be a welcome addition to my New England home.

  122. We moved in May from California to Colorado so it's been mostly work and not much play. However, our Grandsons flew out to visit and we had such a great time with them.

  123. Oh boy... I wasn't able to do much at home by way of quilting due to painting rooms upstairs, and my craft/sewing area is upstairs. I reckon it's when I take my boys to their grandparent's house to swim, as it was one hot summer! I enjoy seeing the smile on their faces when they get to play in the pool and cool off! :-D It will be a fun quilt to make with those colors! ;-)

  124. My summer was filled with flower gardening, raspberry picking, bike riding, reading, spending time with grandchildren and even a little sewing. Yur blog gives me so much inspiration. I love the quilts you make.

    Lola in NW Minnesota

  125. My summer was getting my baby girl married. It was at the beginning of the summer so the rest of the summer was spent having fun at the lake.


  126. My best fun this summer was holding my new baby granddaughter for the first time, then getting to babysit her and her 2-year old sister. They're so much fun!
    I'm looking forward to football, too, but still holding on to the joys of baseball.
    You've given me a huge desire to visit the Buggy Barn. Thanks for all the pics.

  127. We went to Ney York state, to a friends waterfront cottage, and hit several quilt stores on the way, love my quilting!!

  128. ps where is the above quilt show?

  129. My favorite thing this summer was visiting my daughter in Tennessee. She goes to school there and I really miss her. I love this pattern and fabric!


  130. I would love to see that quilt show sometime. I can't imagine how much fun it was. My husband and I went out of town for a few days to visit family and I got to visit several quilt shops along the way. He is such a sweetie.

  131. My favorite activity this summer was spending time with my three grandchildren. I have twin boys who will be a year old this Sunday and a beautiful granddaughter who's first birthday is in October. They are growing and changing each day and I love every minute of it! My second favorite activity has been sewing for them.

  132. DH and I flew across the country to attend my family's reunion. It was actually a lot of fun. We saw people we haven't seen in more than 10 years!

  133. Wow! I wish I coulda been a ladybug on your shoulder! ;-) I would love to go to the Buggy Barn show sometime. We visited our parents this summer (1500 long miles away) and I painted my parents bedroom. :-) Thanks for the fun giveaway~ my favorite colors and I love stars!

  134. I went hiking with my son and husband in Hocking Hills, OH. Beautiful giveaway!

  135. Our whole family (both sides) came from all over the country to watch my daughter graduate from high school. We had a blast! After 20 years of marriage, we finally introduced our entire families to each other. Good times!

  136. Oh my gosh Thelma, what a beautiful display of quilts! I grew up in the country and I can't imagine a more wonderful setting for a Quilt Show! Thanks for sharing. Since my hubby traveled on our Goldwing motorcycle back to Maryland to see our grandson at Andrews AFB, we didn't take a summer vacation together. My health issues prevent me from riding so far on the 'bike', so I stayed home for some quiet time and sewing. BUT...our most wonderful time this Summer and Fall has been time spent on our new deck with the hummingbirds buzzing all around us every early morning and late into the evening. (Hmmm...we sound like old retired people don't we? *I guess we are that, except for the 'old' part,LOL) They really have entertained us though, so much so that I found my stitching in my lap more that in my hands and the same with my hubby's book, LOL. They are migrating now so we still have lots of them passing through, but I expect they will thin out soon and then be gone until Spring. We have both commented on how much we will miss their antics and visits...occasionally coming right up in our faces, making us look at them cross-eyed they were so close, evidently very curious as to what we were doing there. So that is my fondest memory for this Summer. Thanks so much for a chance to win this beautiful kit. Hugs...

  137. Wow! I would love, love, love to win your giveaway - oooweee!! We had a blast this summer when our relatives from France travelled to Canada to visit us!! It was the highlight of my summer!! Now I want to travel to France to visit them soon!

  138. Living in Arizona, we vacation anywhere it's cooler :) This year we visited Alberta, Canada where there was still snow on the ground and rained every day and it was the first week of July. Perfect weather to visit a local quilt shop.

  139. Great giveaway!
    We went To Ireland this summer - to a tiny island off the west coast and had a magical time kayaking and fishing!

  140. We went on a vacation to Washington state. We were able to take our daughter and two granddaughters along. Had a nice time. I've enjoyed all your posts about your trip to the Buggy Barn, sounds like something I should try to do. Thanks for the chance to win the kit, it's wonderful.
    valekort at yahoo dot com

  141. I took daily morning walks this year which I've never done before and I SO enjoyed them. I'm usually an indoor person, but felt like I experienced a lot more of summer by spending the time outdoors. Your trip looks like it was a lot of fun and the environment is just beautiful. What a great way to have a quilt show! My husband is a football fan, but I can't say I'm a big one myself. Have fun watching the games!

  142. I am so ready for some football! We spend a wonderful weekend at an amazing resort in AZ. (yes this place was so nice that it was amazing in AZ during the stummer!) It was The Boulders (just in case somebody was wondering.)

  143. What a fabulous give~away and very generous I might add! I just recently discovered your blog and have had fun going back thru the older posts!
    We bought an upground pool this summer and had a lot of fun trying to keep cool this summer and I also got to spend my b'day at the beach!

  144. Thanks for sharing the Buggy Barn Quilt show with those of us who were unable to attend...maybe someday! It's been a pretty quiet summer for me. I haven't even been on a trip anywhere this summer. But I've acquired a goat, chickens and a peacock to go along with my menagerie and they have all been a constant source of amusement! Sometimes it's the simple things that make me smile. I would love to be the lucky winner of your absolutely overwhelmingly generous give away!

  145. I took a really fun trip to see my great grandchildren in Tn. and my 14 yr old grandson stays with us all summer. It is always bittersweet to see summer end, and our time together come to an end. I love fall and winter, but the summer is the time I look forward to, and time spent with my angel grandchildren...amazing giveaway, thanks for chance to win!! Love your blog, I would love to visit the Buggy Barn someday..looks like a wonderful place.

  146. This summer I received large Rubbermaid containers full of fabric, my grandmother's doll patterns, notions, doilies, and partially completed projects. My daughter's and I had the best time going through and sorting every item. It was a great walk down memory lane!

  147. We had a hot dry summer so I did sit on the porch and drink margaritas!!!! I also watched the pasture pets of 4 miniature donkeys and 1 horse. Love your blog!

  148. Of course, I was enjoying my summer sewing in my air-conditioned sewing room which looks out the front of the house and I can watch the bluebirds raising their babies, see roses and watch the hummingbirds, all while I am sewing and dreaming of more summery colors for qilts.

  149. The most fun thing I did this summer was go to my grandaughters 2nd birthday party...we had a bounce house and cupcakes and swimming and she was just so fun to watch!!

  150. I've been enjoying a fairly laid back summer. One memorable night though was sitting in our yard watching an amazing lightning storm with my husband. We don't get a lot of lightning where I live in Washington, but this was great, almost like watching fireworks!

  151. What a lovely give-away! And congratulations on all your blog achievements! This summer we traveled the East Coast from Maine (a week with long-time friends) to North Carolina (a wedding.) The best part was meeting my sister and brother-in-law on Block Island where they were moored on their live-aboard catamaran! Family time is the best time!

  152. I love the Buggy Barn, and have gone to the show a few times. I was planning on attending this year but unfortunately my favorite event of the summer coincided with the show. I got my new St. Bernard puppy on the Wednesday before the show. In fact I was in Spokane to pick him up from the Spokane airport.
    Since I live a little over 2 1/2 hours away I just could not leave the little guy for the entire day with a friend. It would have been fun though, I might have been able to meet you in person.
    Thanks so much for your wonderful blog and a wonderful opportunity to win such a great prize.

  153. Summer has "flown" by and mostly, I worked in the garden. The tomatoes were so sweet this year. In the quilting department, I finished a BOM but need to sew it together. We took a weekend trip to Point Reyes National Shore Park with a friend from Indiana. Beautiful scenery and great smelling air!! Thelma, I truly enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your Buggy Barn pictures. Thank you, also, for the chance to win the fabric. I love fall colors!

  154. Last summer I had surgery and chemo treatments for ovarian cancer. My quilter daughter stayed with me all summer.
    As a thank you, this summer I took my daughter and granddaughter on a trip to Missouri, Kentucky, and Illinois. We visited the Little House on the Prairie home, National Quilt Museum, Hancock's of Paducah, went to the top of the St. Louis Arch, Lincoln's home and museum, Mark Twain's Hannibal home, Walt Disney's childhood home, and ended in Independence, Mo home of Harry S. Truman.
    Thank you letting me participate in your give away.
    All along the way, we stopped and shopped at many, many quilt shops, with the highlight being the Quilter's Station in Lee's Summit, MO with over 14,000 bolts of quilt fabric.
    How grateful I am that I am healthy and was able to enjoy this three generation trip, that will never be forgotten.

  155. Hi Thelma -- I love the lightness of your blog! I had an excellent summer and celebrated it with a trip to Greece with my family. We were celebrating the graduations from college and high school of our son and daughter ... I couldn't be prouder!

  156. The most fun that I had this summer was our trip home to my parents house. We were just lazy most of the time. We went to Lake Erie several of the days to look for beach glass.

    bjaayoung at

  157. This summer my hubby and I got time away alone - just the 2 of us - camping for a week. Nights by the campfire roasting marshmallows just can't be beat!

  158. Sitting on my deck watching the bees mining the flowers. Just being in nature is wonderfully relaxing.

  159. Relaxing at the lake for a day. Other than that we moved my daughter and her family one weekend and my son moved the following week. I think I'm still recovering.

  160. Well it wasn't quite summer yet, but my sweet husband took me in our RV to the Paducah quilt show. I had never been and it was so wonderful. Plus anytime we are out in the RV we have a great time. Thanks for being so generous!

  161. Attended a "Mountain Man Rendezvous" with my husband....after all the quilt shows he's been to - he deserved some support....actually loved it and bought the most beautiful handmade broom!

  162. The best thing we did this summer is sign the contract to build a cottage and downsize from our two story house on six acres to a one story on 1/2 acre. A lot of pressure off us at this time in our lives and we have been purging possessions. Hope this qualifies as we are still pinching ouselves. Judy C in NC

  163. I think my most enjoyable moments this summer have been spent at the beach (Lake Ontario). Every Wednesday evening there has been a concert, and my friends and I have met there. We enjoy our dinner and the gorgeous weather sitting in the breeze, listening to great music. I always travel with my portable table and chair and some hand work. This is the first Wed of NO concert, and I am realizing that summer really is over. :(

  164. I had a pretty low key summer, too. My only trip was a state-wide shop hop that I did with my sister and we were able to visit a few new (to us) stores. Sue

  165. I had a great summer trip. I live in Ohio and my husband and I traveled cross country We stayed in Yellowstone,Yosemite and Glacier National park. We visited cities such as Seattle, Salt Lake City and Nappa Valley. Had a great time driving the Oregon coast. I was lucky enough to find a few quilt stores along the way. That wasn't in our plans but I always seem to find a few. Wish I had known about Buggy Barn. We may have been near there're. I would love a chance to win a kit from there.

  166. I used part of my recent work bonus to pay for my husband and 2 children to skydive. He has had "jumping out of a perfectly good airplane" on his bucket list for over 30 years, and it finally happened--what a day! Ruth F in FL

  167. Thelma you are just the most generous quilter ever! What a fabulous quilt that would be!
    My summer wasn't nice holidays this year, but I did go camping for a weekend that was fun (if you call feeding a dozen teenagers fun?!?) But I am planning a nice fall getaway with some friends, so that will be awesome! And of course, I have my winter quilt retreat to look forward to!

  168. This summer we surprised our 12 year old son with a trip to Lego Land in Florida-he had no clue until we got to the gate at the airport and it changed from Chicago to Orlando on the board-he was speechless and that DOES NOT happen very often.

  169. Thelma, thanks for your giveaway! On my summer vacation, I spent two weeks babysitting my wonderful 2 year old grandson, packing and moving 90 miles away and starting a new teaching job, packing and moving my parents out of the house they've been in for 45 years. Sewing, what is that? No sewing for me this summer and I'm anxious to get back to it!!

  170. What a wonderful giveaway, I would SO love to win this kit! Favorite memory this summer was a weekend at a lake cabin with friends. Swimming, campfires and soaking up the sun. It was great! Football is my favorite sport too, GO PACK!

  171. Thanks, Thelma, for posting the photos of the Buggy Barn Quilt show! Congrats on 400 posts plus 400 followers. Since retiring, every day, every season is Summer:) I'm loving the time with family, friends and my Rusty:) Take care!

  172. Thanks for the chance to win! I need a winter project! We own a family fishing resort, so I spent the summer playing with everyone's kids! Bonfires, minnow races, name it, we did it!

  173. What a beautiful quilt! I spent the summer with my kids, mainly at the pool. Thank you for this give away.

  174. It's not exciting, but my sewing room got a good summer cleaning and I quilted by stack finished quilt tops. That feels wonderful

  175. the most fun i had this summer was the day it finally rained ... i was in Home Depot (buying a paint brush) and when i walked out, the sky was dark and it was pouring down rain - FINALLY ... everyone else was running to their cars, shaking fists at the sky ... but i strolled - slooooooowly - we really, really needed some showers to wash the ash out of the sky ... and i wasn't having a good hair day, anyway

  176. The most fun I had this summer was having my 3 grandkids
    from Florida visit me in Ohio for a month.


  177. The most fun I had this summer was going to see a movie.

    The Bourne Legacy.


    I didn't know I was such good company.

    And I'm going to do it again.

  178. What a fabulous giveaway! I've been to the Buggy Barn a number of times and took a class there but never made it to their outdoor show. Will have to put that on my calendar to try and travel up in the area next year! The most fun I had this summer was a trip to Florida to visit my husband's family. Had a blast!

  179. The most fun thing I did all summer was celebrate my granddaughter's first birthday. Any day I get to spend with her is a good day! Thanks for the giveaway, Thelma! Buggy Barn looks like a wonderful place to visit. I love their patterns and fabrics. Joan S.

  180. I did my first shop hop this summer, had a ball, and spent too much money!

  181. All of children and grandchildren live in St. Paul, MN and I live in South Bend, IN. While I try to get there a couple of times a year it isn't the same and I don't get to have sleep overs with the grands! Well this summer all of that changed for my Elizabeth turned 10 and decided she was up to a couple of weeks with grandma leaving her brother and parents behind. She completed her first sewing project (pillow cases) and played lots of games and american girl dolls. Life is truely great! Thanks for this opportunity to win this kit.

  182. Like you, I am ready for some football!!! Which also means quilting in my house. Whoo Hoo

    This summe,mi went to the 12U BPA World Series with my 12 year olds team. Great fun!

  183. My most fun this summer was having our two
    children and their families (including our
    four grandchildren) come home at the same
    time for four great days! :-)
    Cindy V.

  184. The most fun we had this summer was definitely going to Hawaii! With my oldest son going off to college next year, we wanted to create some special family memories :-)

  185. I would love to visit Buggy Barn one day, but this summer myself, Mom and daughter flew to Missouri and did a road trip around the state. We visited many quilt shops, Laura Ingalls Wilder's home, the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky and Lincoln's home in Springfield, Illinois, just to name a few of our stops. I have really been enjoying your Buggy Barn trip looks like it was a fun trip!

  186. Oh my what a lovely giveaway! The summer was quite busy for me, mainly running from one hospital to another in different provinces!!! No fun ! But hey, I got to spend some quality time with our 4 grandson's !!! Thks for the chance to win.

  187. Thank you for posting pics of the quilt show! Looks like so much fun! The best thing I did this summer was go on an Alaska Cruise with my hubby for our 34 wedding anniversary! Such beautiful scenery!

  188. I lead a pretty quiet life, so my summer fun was enjoying the continued peace while stitching along. This is a lovely kit! Thank you for the chance to win! Loved the pics of the barn quilts!

  189. I adore your blog and pop in often. Sometimes leaving a comment and yep, rarely a reply. Lol. I'd love to score this kit! It's a beauty. I think the best thing for me this summer was kayaking for the first time at age 52. I need to live more dangerously. Hee!

  190. Spent one week during the summer with daughter and dh at a trapshooting competition in Sparta, IL. It was hot, but the participants enjoyed every bit of it. Was nice to spend time together before my youngest had left for college. Good memories for all.

  191. Congrats! I love reading your blog and keeping up with your creativity. I bumped into you at Paducah in front of your red & white quilt. It is so nice to have a face and voice to associate with your blog.

    My summer highlight was a family reunion in Estes Park. 21 of my favorite people joined us for 4 days. Need I say more than family, food, and fun in one of our country's most beautiful parks? Life is good!

  192. Wow, what a generous giveaway! The Buggy Barn Quilt Show is on my bucket list. I don't live too far from it, so it should be easy to do someday. The highlight of my summer was having the grand kids for a week of fun!

  193. Ooh what a lovely giveaway! I went on my first ever retreat this summer with four new quilting friends, we had such a wonderful time we're already planning for next year!

  194. I spent an evening at my aunt & uncles hanging out with all my cousins and their families. I hadn't seen most of them in over 10 years. I'm not going to let that much time pass by before I do that again. Thanks for the chance on our generous giveaway.

  195. Congratulations on your marvelous blog and all your followers - me being one. :)
    My husband and I have a pontoon boat and we love just leisurely cruising down the river/lake enjoying the relative quiet of the outdoors.

  196. The highlight of my summer was getting a window air conditioner in July! What joy after the sweltering heat.

  197. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize. The most fun I had this summer was when my brother and his wife came to visit and look after our mother, so I could get away for a couple of days. I went on a couple of quilting related day trips. Thanks for sharing.
    cindy cke49 at yahoo dot com

  198. Summer sort of came and hasn't quite left southern California . Went to the long beach quilt show with a friend an helped her pick out fabric for a quilt she was designing-that was lots of fun. I treated myself to a buggy barn class on a Saturday and have quite finished it yet, but it's turning out nicely

  199. That looks like a beautiful bundle of fall fabrics you're giving away. I'm crossing my fingers (& toes) hoping I am the lucky winner. My favorite day this summer was the beautiful day I spent potting all the flowers in their hanging pots and containers. They have grown to many times their original size and are still blooming in all their glory. I find gardening is very meditative process and I like the fact that flowers never talk back to me and demand nothing more than water/good soil and all I ask of them is to stay healthy and look beautiful. Such a great deal. I think this might be the one activity that took a day to start, but has yielded 3 months of pleasure. I can't imagine looking out on just the bare trees that will take their place in just a matter of weeks I will just have to remind myself that I enjoy my flowers so much because their beauty is so fleeting. FALL!...TIME TO QUILT!


I try to respond to all my comments but sometimes I just don't get the job done. Please know that I am reading your comments and appreciate you taking the time to add a little of yourself to my blog.